Captured in a Time Corridor, The Doctor and his companions are forced to land on 20th Century Earth, diverted by The Doctor’s oldest enemy – The Daleks. It is here that the true purpose of the Time Corridor becomes apparent: after 90 years of imprisonment,
Davros, the ruthless creator of the Daleks, is to be liberated to assist in the resurrection of his army. But not even The Daleks foresee the poisonous threat presented by their creator. Indeed, who would suspect Davros of wanting to destroy his own daleks – and why? Only The Doctor knows the truth.
But will he be capable of descending to Davros’ level of evil in order to stop him?
Tegan quotes her dead aunt Vanessa to justify her decision to stay on Earth.
Tegan encounters a future incarnation of the Doctorin Good Companions, although she has by then begun to think of her adventures with the as dreams and doesn’t recognise the future Doctor.
In production order, Davros’ next encounter with The Doctor occurs in Revelation of the Daleks, in which he claims to have survived his previous encounter with Fourth Doctor by using an escape pod to abandon his spaceship before it exploded, however, it does not explain how he survived his encounter with the Movellan virus.
The Big Finish audio Davros has since been inserted between these two stories, it also ends with a spaceship exploding but does not explain how Davros survived the Movellan virus. Presumably he managed to reach an escape pod before the prison exploded, and his life-support system shut him down while it fought off the infection.