Voyage of the Damned


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Voyage of the Damned

Series 4


First Transmitted

25 December 2007

Final Ratings



Series 4 set


DVD Release


Voyage Of The Damned
Voyage Of The Damned
Voyage Of The Damned
Voyage Of The Damned
Voyage Of The Damned
Voyage Of The Damned
Voyage Of The Damned
Voyage Of The Damned
Astrid Peth
Voyage Of The Damned
Voyage Of The Damned
Voyage Of The Damned
Voyage Of The Damned
Voyage Of The Damned
Voyage Of The Damned
Voyage Of The Damned
Voyage Of The Damned
Voyage Of The Damned
Voyage Of The Damned
Astrid Peth
Voyage Of The Damned
Voyage Of The Damned
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Regular Cast

David Tennant (The Doctor)

Guest Cast

Kylie Minogue (Astrid Peth), George Costigan (Max Capricorn), Clive Swift (Mr Copper), Gray O’Brien (Malcolm Wainwright), Russell Tovey (Midshipman Frame), Andrew Havill (Chief Stewart), Bruce Lawrence (Engineer), Debbie Chazen (Foon Van H off), Clive Rowe (Morvin Van H off), Jimmy Vee (Bannakaffalatta), Geoffrey Palmer (Captain Hardaker) Bernard Cribbins (Wilfred Mott), Nicholas Witchell (Himself), Paul Kasey (The Host), Jessica Martin (The Queen).


Written by Russell T. Davies
Directed by James Strong
Produced by Julie Garner and Phil Colinson


Now alone, The Doctor flicks switches on the TARDIS console until suddenly the front a cruise liner embeds itself into the side of the ship, throwing the Time Lord to the ground. Scrambling around on the floor he discovers a buoyancy aid that has fallen from the vessel one which is written its name: the Titanic. He hurriedly repairs the damage via the console then lands inside the craft. He makes his way outside and enters the main hall, inside which well-dressed partygoers, humanoid and alien alike, are celebrating.

Walking about the lobby the traveller finds robotic angels standing guard around the room. He moves over to the window and discovers the vessel is not an ocean linerit is a space ship orbiting the planet Earth.


  • This episode leads on from the events of Last of the Time Lords and Time Crash
  • The Tenth Doctor comments about the bad luck that follows him whenever he wears his dinner jacket, the previous times he has worn it being Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel and The Lazarus Experiment.
  • Reference is made to The Christmas Invasion and The Runaway Bride.
  • The Doctor has had encountered the original Titanic before, reference is made to it in Rose, The End of the World and The Invasion of Time.
  • This episode was dedicated to the memory of Verity Lambert OBE (11024-2007), the first produceron Doctor Who. Verity’ named was mentioned in Human Nature as the name of John Smith’ mother. This is not the first time an episode has been transmitted under a dedication, the Moviewas broadcast in the UK with a caption commemorating the memory of Jon Pertwee.
  • This introduced I Player, a way the BBC allowed viewers to see programmes if they missed them, these figures do not include this.
  • The theme tune was revamped for Voyage of the Damned and was a few seconds longer than the previous versions.”I think I just decided to spruce it up – new drums, new rhythm section, new bass line, new little bit of piano” says Murray Gold.
  • The episode was dedicated to Verity Lambert, the first producer of Doctor Who, who had died about a month prior to broadcast.
  • Angels seem to be a recurring theme throughout the new series. Tenth Doctor has been referred to as a Lonely Angel, faced the Weeping Angels and made use of The Master’s mesmeric communication network, Archangel.


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