Dalek War DVD Set
Number of Discs: 4
DVD Number: BBCDVD2614
Certification: PG
Duration: 283 minutes
Release Date: 5 Oct. 2009
Frontier In Space
It is the twenty-sixth century. Known space is divided between the great empires of Earth and Draconia. A fragile peace exists between the humans and the lizard-like Draconians, a peace that is put in jeopardy when each race claims that its cargo vessels are being raided by the other’s warships.
When the TARDIS accidentally brings The Doctor and Jo aboard Earth cargo ship C982, they find it under attack. As the ship is boarded, a strange pulsing sound fills the air. The crew believe their attackers to be Draconians, but The Doctor and Jo see only Ogrons – brutish, simian mercenaries who steal the cargo, including the TARDIS, and head off into space.
The Doctor’s investigations take him to Earth, the Moon and then to Draconia itself. He discovers that the Ogrons are employed by his sworn enemy, The Master, who is attempting to provoke a war between the space empires. The Doctor suspects the scale of the plan is too grand for The Master, but even he is shocked to discover the identity of the far deadlier foe waiting in the wings.
Planet of the Daleks
The TARDIS materialises in a hostile jungle on the planet Spiridon. Jo sets out alone to find help for The Doctor, who has fallen into a coma. She meets a party of Thals and is left in hiding aboard their crashed spaceship While they go to The Doctor’s aid. The Time Lord, now recovered, learns of their mission to destroy a party of Daleks sent here to discover the native Spiridons‘ secret of invisibility.
Another Thal spaceship crash-lands in the jungle, and the survivors bring news that somewhere on Spiridon there is an army of ten thousand Daleks. Jo meanwhile meets a friendly Spiridon named Wester, who cures a deadly fungus disease that she has contracted.
It transpires that The Daleks‘ army is frozen in suspended animation in a cavern below their base. The Doctor, with the help of the Thals, explodes a bomb in the cavern wall and there by causes one of the planet’s natural ice volcanoes to erupt, entombing the army in a torrent of liquid ice.
The newly-arrived Dalek Supreme and his aides are left stranded on Spiridon as the Thals steal their ship and The Doctor and Jo depart in the TARDIS.
Frontier in Space
Disc 1
Commentary by Katy Manning (Jo Grant), Barry Letts (Producer), Terrance Dicks (Script Editor), Clayton Hickman (Moderator). Recorded in November 2007. (2007)
Production Subtitles
Text commentary by Martin Wiggins providing cast details, script development and other information related to the production of this story.
Disc 2
Perfect Scenario: Lost Frontiers
A new two-part feature from ‘What Lies Beneath’ producer Steve Broster and writer David Harley. In the far future, the remaining population of an oxygen-depleted planet Earth lies in enforced stasis in The Field of Dreams, their minds kept active through the work of scenariosmiths. Looking for ideas to help him re-connect to his captive audience, Zed, a young scenariosmith, turns to the world of Doctor Who for inspiration… Featuring interviews with actors Katy Manning, Janet Fielding, Vera Fusek and Michael Hawkins, Producer Barry Letts, Script Editor Terrance Dicks, Visual Effects Designers John Friedlander and Mat Irvine. With Rich Batsford, Mick Broster, Tony Broster, Henry Dunn and Paul Ewing, and the voices of Steve Broster, David Harley and Cathryn Miller. Written by David Harley. Produced by Steve Broster. (30’04” | 16:9 | 2009)
The Space War
Cast and crew look back at the making of the story. Featuring actors Katy Manning, Vera Fusek and Michael Hawkins, Visual Effects Designers John Friedlander and Mat Irvine. Produced by Steve Broster. (17’57” | 16:9 | 2009)
Roger Delgado: The Master
A biography of actor Roger Delgado, most famous for playing The Doctor’s arch-nemesis The Master from his introduction in 1971 until his tragic death two years later. Featuring previously unseen photographs, rare excerpts from his many BBC TV appearances and interviews with those who knew and loved him. With his wife, Kismet Marlowe, Producer Barry Letts, Script Editor Terrance Dicks, Director Christopher Barry, actors Katy Manning, Linda Thorson, Harry Towb, Frazer Hines, William Gaunt and Damaris Hayman, Stunt Coordinator Derek Ware. Narrated by Stephen Greif. Produced by John Kelly. (31’45” | 4:3 | 2009)
Stripped for Action: The Third Doctor
The ongoing series looking at The Doctor’s comic book adventures reaches his third incarnation. With former Doctor Who Magazine editors Gary Russell and Alan Barnes, comic historians John Ainsworth and Jeremy Bentham, author Paul Scoones. Produced by Marcus Hearn (Phoenix Media). (16’05” | 16:9 Widescreen | 2009)
Radio Times Billings
Episode listings for this story from the BBC magazine Radio Times in PDF format.
BBC Enterprises Literature
In PDF format
Photo Gallery
A selection of rare and previously unpublished photographs from the recording of this story. (6’16” | 4:3 | 2009)
Coming Soon
A preview of The King’s Demons and Planet of Fire DVDs. The trailer for this story is available on The Keys of Marinus DVD. (1’18” | 4:3 | 2009)
Easter Egg
Episode 5 VT Clock and end credits with the alternative ‘Delaware’ theme. Select ‘Subtitles’ from the menu, highlight ‘Special Features’, then press down to highlight The Doctor Who logo and press Enter. (1’43” | 4:3 | 1973)
Planet of the Daleks
Disc 1
Commentary by Katy Manning (Jo Grant), Prentis Hancock, Tim Preece, Barry Letts (Producer), Terrance Dicks (Script Editor). (2007)
Production Subtitles
Text commentary by Martin Wiggins providing cast details, script development and other information related to the production of this story. (2009)
Easter Egg
Continuity announcement for The Green Death and Doctor Who theme music record. Plays automatically at the end of Episode Six. (1973)
Disc 2
Perfect Scenario: The End of Dreams
Continuing his search for inspiration, scenariosmith Zed resumes his studies of twentieth century television’s Doctor Who. What he finds will have a profound effect on the lives of all of the remaining sleepers in The Field of Dreams… Featuring interviews with actors Katy Manning, Jane How, Janet Fielding, Bernard Horsfall and Tim Preece, producer Barry Letts, script editor Terrance Dicks. With Rich Batsford, Mick Broster, Tony Broster and Paul Ewing, and the voices of Steve Broster, David Harley and Cathryn Miller. Written by David Harley. Produced by Steve Broster. (30’04”) (Widescreen) (2009)
The Rumble in the Jungle
Cast and crew look back at the making of the story. Featuring actors Katy Manning, Jane How, Bernard Horsfall and Tim Preece, director David Maloney and designer John Hurst. Produced by Steve Broster. (16’46”) (Widescreen) (2009)
A look at the colour restoration of episode three. With producer Barry Letts, Colour Recovery Working Group leader James Insell, 2|entertain commissioning editor Dan Hall and colourist Jonathan Wood. Narrated by Glen Allen. Produced by Ed Stradling. (10’46”) (Widescreen) (2009)
Stripped for Action: The Daleks
The ongoing series looking at The Doctor’s comic book adventures focuses on his deadliest foes – The Daleks! With TV producer Gerry Anderson, former Doctor Who Magazine editors Alan Barnes and Clayton Hickman, comic historian Jeremy Bentham and author Paul Scoones. Produced by Marcus Hearn (Phoenix Media). (13’54”) (Widescreen) (2009)
Blue Peter
Two items from the childrens’ magazine programme broadcast on 7/6/73 and 11/6/73, featuring an appeal for any information on the theft of two Daleks from the BBC and their subsequent return. Featuring Peter Purves, John Noakes and Lesley Judd. (12’34”) (1973)
PDF Materials
Episode listings for this story from the BBC magazine Radio Times, and John Hurst’s design drawings in PDF format.
Photo Gallery
A selection of rare and previously unpublished photographs from the recording of this story. (8’59”)
Coming Soon
A preview of The King’s Demons and Planet of Fire DVDs. The trailer for this story is available on The Keys of Marinus DVD. (1’18” | 4:3 | 2009)
Easter Egg
Episode 3 commentary out-take. Select ‘Multi-Colourisation’ to highlight the hidden Doctor Who logo and press Enter. (2’50”) (2007)
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