Place of Origin:
Biological Type:
Humanoid reptiles
Affiliated With:
Galactic Federation
The Alliance
Notable Individuals:
Draconian Emperor
Draconian prince
First Seen In:
Prisoner 451
Paper Cuts
The Draconian Rage
Summerof Love
The Judas Gift
Freedom of Information
Doctor Who and the Space War
The Dark Path
Love and War
War of the Daleks
The Scarlet Empress
The Fall of Yquatine
Judgement of the Judoon
Decorative Purposes
The Simple Things
Frobisher’s Story
Party Animals
Cold Blooded War!
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The Draconians were a race of reptilian humanoids from the planet called Draconia. They built an empire so large it rivalled even Earth’s own empire. Despite this, the two largely co-existed with both races believing strongly in high morals and honour.
The Draconians were a tall, reptilian species. They had pointed ears and bulging foreheads. They had scaly skin on their necks and bodies. (
The strands of their DNA were found in the DNA of the chicken-like animals who were encountered by
The Draconians’ interstellar empire was a monarchy, led by the Emperor and his court of nobles. (
The Draconians were a very formal race, known for their adherence to rules and traditions. They believed that rules were made to be followed. Draconians also believed that men should not show sadness or cry. (
Like a million other worlds “right across the universe”, Draconia had “the representation of the horned beast” in its myths and legends.
Houses had curved walls and no straight lines, and were coloured green. A typical Draconian clothing style was black robes with high pointed shoulders. Nobles like the prince and ambassadors wore a large green crystal hanging around their necks. Their Emperor, whose shoulder plates rose to the highest peaks, wore a blue crystal. (
Draconian branka was a drink that made the consumer think they had courage, although that was not actually the case, and could be fatal in large doses. (
In the 26th century, the Draconians used battle cruisers. These were large, imposing ships covered in guns and carrying neutronic missiles. They used hand weapons similar to those of humans. (
In 102, the Draconian were among the races who joined the Alliance. They came to Stonehenge and helped imprison the Eleventh Doctor in the Pandorica in order to save the universe. (
In the year 1645, an outbreak of Skreeths was discovered. The Time Lords dispatched the
In the early 21st century, the MI6 Branch Wonderland had an agent by the name of Jabberwock who was investigating the Draconians and reported back with “No Evidence of Hostile Intent To Home Shores”. Hugo, head of the branch, stated that it made a pleasant change. (
In the reign of the fifteenth Emperor (during the 21st century), Draconia suffered from a plague. The
By the 25th century, the Draconians had spread out from their home planet and dominated the Galaxy. Theirs was the largest empire, rivalled only by the Earth Empire. As the two empires were on the opposite sides of the Galaxy, there was an agreement to avoid each other and only attempt to colonise planets on their sides, with a buffer zone between. (
In 2487, two Draconians were at New Memphis. (
In the 25th century, The Doctor was in a high-stake poker game with a Draconian. The Doctor won a planet in the Magellanis system. He gave it to the Earth Colonies but retained nominal ownership. (Lonely Days)
To decide on the buffer zone between the Earth and Draconia, a neutral planet was chosen for discussion in 2520. The Earth Ambassador attended, along with John Williams and the future President of Earth. The ship ran into a neutron storm. Most of the crew was killed, leaving Williams in charge. When he arrived at the planet, he was panicked by the armed Draconian ship and attacked it. With the Draconian peace convoy killed, the Draconians declared war, leading to a war which only lasted three days but had over half a billion casualties. (
By 2540, there was an uneasy peace between Draconia and Earth. The Daleks intended to attack the Galaxy, but thought the two Empires would pose a threat. Their agent, The Master, used hypnosound and his Ogron soldiers to attack ships, with the hypnosound making it look like it was the opposite side who did it.
they participated in the Second Dalek War, which started in 2540, along with the Earth Empire and many other races. They refused to help the humans against The Daleks in the next war. (
In 2570, the planet Heaven was a neutral ground between the Earth Empire and the Draconian Empire. It was settled after the Dragon Wars. (
At the beginning of the 27th century, the Draconian Empire attempted to take back the asteroid which housed the Braxiatel Collection. They found themselves at war with the Mim, until the Mim were destroyed by Hass. The Draconians, falsely accused for this crime, were blamed by all the galactic community. (Nobody’s Children)
In the 30th century, some Draconians lived in the Minerva system. (
The Draconians became members of the Galactic Federation. In 3375, several Draconians, including Salamanca, worked on-board the Piri Reis. When the Darkheart was used, the Draconians were all turned into humans. (
The Draconians were among several galactic powers which fought The Daleks in the Great War, which began in 4000. Towards the end of the war, they contributed to the list of Dalek disasters by annihilating half of the Dalek Fleet along the Draconian frontier. (
By the 82nd century, the Draconians, along the Federation of Worlds, The Dalek Empire and the Cybermen, fought the Skeletoid invasion of the galaxy. (Kane’s Story, Frobisher’s Story)
By the 101st century, the Draconian Empire had became a Republic. (
The Draconians were part of the Supremo’s alliance in the war against Morbius. (
A Draconian ship was flying to an outpost when it crashed on Earth. (War-Game)
When the Tenth Doctor was being sent to Volag-Noc, he was sent with Draconian, Ogron and Sontaran prisoners. Though they all had grievances against him, they worked together to take control of their transport and steal a Judoon ship. The Draconian was able to contact their Empire, which fought against the Judoon loyal to the Advocate. (Fugitive)
Iris Wildthyme once had tea with a Draconian noble. The meal was a live Kaled mutant. (
The Second Doctor, Ben and Polly encountered Venusians, Draconians and Alpha Centaurans at a spaceport bar. (
A Draconian played a role in the Siege of Trenzalore when he arm-wrestled
In an alternate timeline created by the
In an alternate timeline known as the “Cyberverse” which started with a change in history in 1927, the Draconians were one of several major powers in the universe who were conquered by the Cybermen by 1951. (Real Time)