Sutekth the Destroyer

Pyramids of Mars




Main Aliases:

The Typhonian Beast



Place of Origin:

Phaester Osiris











First Seen In:

Pyramids of Mars

Other Appearances:

Transmission from Mars
Doctor Who and the Pyramids of Mars
The Enigma of Sisterhood
The True History of Faction Paradox
Coming to Dust
The Ship of a Billion Years
Body Politic
Words from Nine Divinities
The Judgment of Sutekh
The Pyramid of Sutekh
The Vaults of Osiris
The Eye of Horus
The Tears of Isis
Kill The Doctor!
The Age of Sutekh
Year Two
Old Girl
The Legend of Ruby Sunday
Empire of Death

Main Actor:

Gabriel Woolf


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Like in the Egyptian myths on Earth, Sutekh was brother to Horus (Pyramids of Mars) and husband to their sister, Nephthys. (The Sands of Time) Sutekh destroyed his home planet Phaester Osiris and left a trail of destruction across half the galaxy. He became known by many names, including the Typhonian Beast, Set, Sadok, Seth and Satan. (Pyramids of Mars) Among the planets where Sutekh and the Osirians fought was Youkali. (Return of the Living Dad) Sutekh’s brother Horus and the remaining seven hundred forty Osirians tracked Sutekh down to Egypt and used their powers to imprison him in the Black Pyramid. The Eye of Horus on Mars beamed a signal to suppress Sutekh’s powers and hold him prisoner.

The tales of the Osirians were remembered in Egyptian mythology. Sutekh still retained a cult of followers, such as Ibrahim Namin. (Pyramids of Mars)

In 1903, after receiving a wealth of information from the future, Grigori Rasputin foresaw, among other things, the coming of this Egyptian god. (The Wanderer)

In the year 1911, the archaeologist Professor Marcus Scarman discovered the inner chamberof the Pyramid of Horus, discovering Sutekh and thereby accidentally allowing him a chance of escape. Sutekh controlled Scarman’s corpse, using it and Osirian service robots to construct a rocket aimed at the Eye of Horus on Mars. The Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith were able to destroy the rocket, but The Doctor fell under the psychic control of Sutekh’s will as a result. He was made to take Scarman and the robots to Mars in the TARDIS. Despite The Doctor’s attempt to stop them, Scarman destroyed the Eye and freed Sutekh. Hurrying back to Earth, The Doctor defeated Sutekh by trapping him in a time tunnel for thousands of years – longer than the lifespan of an Osirian. (Pyramids of Mars)


Sutekh possessed immense power: he could change the course of history and destroy entire stellar systems. He was even able to contain the explosive force of gelignite from miles away, although this was difficult and could be easily disrupted by a simple distraction. He had telekinesis, enabling him to levitate the TARDIS key. The Fourth Doctor took Sarah to an alternate 1980, a ruined and abandoned wasteland orbiting a dead star due to Sutekh’s destruction. According to The Doctor, not even the Time Lords could stop Sutekh had he been released from his prison.
He was incredibly powerful and easily able to defeat a Time Lord. His powers became apparent when his eyes glowed green, allowing him to leave a person in agonising pain for centuries. Furthermore, his mental abilities allowed him to easily dominate others, making them puppets to his will. He also appeared to be able to telepathically read other beings like The Doctor and monitor progress several thousand miles away with the aid of Osiran computer technology. This included reanimating corpses for servants, as he did with Marcus Scarman. He could focus his power through these servants, enabling them to burn people to death with a touch, and was able to destroy the Eye of Horus on Mars from Earth when Scarman was within a few metres of it. Sutekh was somewhat paranoid, fearing that all lifeforms might potentially rise up against him and therefore he destroyed all life wherever he found it. Despite this, he was extremely intelligent and patient. Sutekh was able to survive for 7000 years while paralysed, however died within 11, 000 years of the Time Tunnel. (Pyramids of Mars)


In ancient Egyptian mythology, Sutekh is one of the many names for Set, the god of the deserts.
When Pyramids of Mars came out on DVD, included in it was a psuedo documentary called “Oh Mummy!”, which told the fictional account of how Sutekh landed the role in the story and his life afterwards.


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