Place of Origin:
Main Alias:
Lady Sherade
Ash El Dir
The Knightmare
First Seen In:
Latest Appearance:
Main Actor:
Maise Williams
Main Voice Actor:
Will Brown
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Ashildr lives with her Father, Einarr, in a small coastal Viking village. She refuses to take on the traditional role of a Viking girl, and is an expert carpenter and craftswoman.
Ashildr would do anything to defend the honour, and lives, of those in her village. But behind her toughness is a fragility and self-doubt – Ashildr believes she brings bad luck to the village, just by being alive.
I tell you, leaving this place would be death itself.
The only place she feels truly comfortable is the world of stories in her head – there she is safe, there she is brave. But The Doctor shows Ashildir that she can be every bit as courageous and brilliant as the characters in her stories. She saves the village, and in turn, The Doctor breaks all his rules to save her…
But The Doctor knows the brave, beautiful soul he met in the Viking village is in there somewhere. He won’t let himself believe she has truly gone. And he’s right – when Me’s alliance with Leandro endangers scores of innocent people, she can’t bear it, and unites with The Doctor to save them.
When the invasion is over and the beers have been drunk, it’s clear this is no ordinary friendship…
Me: …While you’re busy protecting this world, I’ll get busy protecting it from you.
The Doctor: We’re not enemies now, are we?
Me: of course not. Enemies are never a problem. It’s your friends you have to watch out for. And, my friend, I shall be watching out for you.
Me lived into the 21st century. She appeared in the background of a selfie taken by Clara Oswald and Evie Hubbard, which Clara planned to show
Ashildr’s perspective on life, her permanence, has enabled her to bring peace to a volatile refugee community – albeit under authoritarian rule with a deadly Quantum Shade. The
Although The Doctor cannot condone Ashildr’s despotic style, he understands the need to find justice for Anah and her son. When Clara’s attempts to protect Rigsy lead to her death, Ashildr is devastated. Her ruse to draw the
After the death of Clara,
Me was present at the very end of time, the last living being in the universe. To survive she created a bubble of reality among the ruins of the Cloisters on Gallifrey, passing the time watching the stars die while awaiting the Twelfth Doctor and Clara’s arrival. Five minutes before the final end of time, their stolen TARDIS appeared and Me knocked on the door.
Me had set up a chess game, though she and the
Me assisted Clara in her attempt to make sure the