The Time Vampire
Louise Jameson (Leela), John Leeson (Voice of K9)
Leela, in her last moments of life, recalls a long-forgotten memory: a time in the TARDIS. The Doctor is worried that K9’s increasingly bizarre behaviour might become dangerous. He decides to make a new model, little knowing that the fate of all three time travellers has long since been decided.
As Leela recalls the chilling connection between K9’s ‘illness’, the Z-nai and the haunted sea fort in which the TARDIS lands, she prepares for her final journey: into the land of her ancestors, the Afterlife.
Written and Directed by Nigel Fairs
Sound Design and Music by Nigel Fairs
coming soon
- The Time Vampire was the tenth Companion Chronicle of the fourth series.
- The Sevateem believe in reincarnation.
- Leela refers to the secondary control room being damaged by fire. (The Invisible Enemy)
- Leela refers to Xoanon. (The Face of Evil)
- The Fourth Doctor has taught Leela to read.
- There were giant jungle birds on Leela’s home planet.
- Mr Holland refers to the Great Plague of 7382.
- This audio drama was recorded on 21 January 2010.