Miracle Day

Miracle Day
Miracle Day

Miracle Day was the name originally given to 19/20 March 2011, when every human on Earth simply stopped dying. The name, however, still stuck when the phenomenon lasted for months more. It was caused when the Three Families fed the immortal Jack Harkness‘ blood into the Blessing, which in turn relayed the template to everyone on the planet in seconds

Without any immediately obvious cause, awareness of the event took time to develop. One of the earliest survivals was Oswald Danes, a convicted prisoner in the United States about to be executed, although his lethal injection was carried out flawlessly on 19 March, the only effect was intense but temporary pain from the drugs. As hours passed, doctors around the planet began to realise that deaths of patients under their care (such as Rex Matheson, who was impaled by a metal pole) had abruptly dropped to zero. Age, disease, trauma, and all other normally fatal conditions continued to hurt and debilitate their victims, but without killing them. The level of damage to the body did not matter. (The New World) Extreme examples include an attempted suicide bomber whose entire body was almost totally burned and pulverised but retained some degree of consciousness even after his head was detached from the rest of his body (The New World) and a CIA agent whose neck was broken, yet she managed to stand and stumble away, her head facing backward (Rendition). News media and the general public also began to realise the change. Eventually, the name of the event emerged on the back of the word “miracle,” which began to trend across social networking sites.

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