
Paul McGann (
Somewhere in the south of England stands the Hothouse. Five vast, state-of-the-art biodomes, all steel and glass. Inside, rock star turned environmental activist Alex Marlow has a plan to save the world from climate change. By any means necessary.
There’s something growing inside the Hothouse. Something that could turn back humanity’s tide. A voracious alien vegetable called the Krynoid. The Doctor’s going to have to stop it. Stop Marlow. Stop Marlow’s fanatical acolyte, Lucie Miller
Save the world. By any means necessary.
coming soon
- Hothouse was the second release of the third series of Big Finish Productions’ The New Eighth Doctor Adventures audio stories
- The space-time telegraph was first referred to in Revenge of the Cybermen and was briefly seen in Terror of the Zygons.
- The World Ecology Bureau has files on the Harrison Chase incident and The Doctor’s involvement in that incident. (The Seeds of Doom.)
- The Doctor is still recovering from the six hundred years he spent on Orbis. (Orbis)