Gallifrey Appropriation

Gallifrey Appropriation
Gallifrey Appropriation

Regular Cast

Lalla Ward (Romana), Louise Jameson (Leela), John Leeson (K9), Mary Tamm (Pandora), Lynda Bellingham (Darkel), Sean Carlsen (Narvin), Steven Wickham (Valyes), Stephen Perring (Matthias), Hugo Myatt (Arkadian), Michael Cuckson (Hallan), Paul Grunert (Elbon), Dickon Tolson (Annos), Charlie Ross (Janartis), John Dorney (Henzil), Charles Pemberton (Gerber), Daniel Hogarth (Blastern), Richard Unwin (T~z), Ann Bird (Egopolis), Roger Parrott (Delox), Lisa Bowerman (Aesino), Dave Cromarty (Robersuun)


‘Didn’t take the Temporal Powers long to realise that Pandora’s war was over, and come here to start a new one.’

In the wake of Civil War, Gallifrey stands more vulnerable than at any time in its controversial history. The other temporal powers orbit the ancient Time Lord society, poised and ready to take control.

And then, as a terrifying legacy, the residual traces of the Pandora virus bring down the transduction barriers…

While Romana lies exhausted and powerless in the medical station, Lord Matthias fights desperately to negotiate a peace. But Gallifreyans are dying. Can Leela find K9? Is retribution about to be visited upon the oldest race in the universe for untold millennia of mutation and interference? And what is behind Valyes’ decision to recall the High Council?



  • Appropriation was the third story of the third series of Big Finish’s Gallifrey audio series. It was written by Paul Sutton.
  • Colin Baker reprises his role as Commander Maxil in an uncredited cameo appearance. This is the only time that he has played the character since Arc of Infinity in 1983.
  • During the Dalek invasion of Gallifrey, Raldeth led the Chancellery Guards in their attempt to repel The Dalek forces. (The Apocalypse Element)
  • Ambassadors of the temporal powers come to Gallifrey include: Phaidon (sometimes known as The Warpsmiths of Phaidon), Sunari and Nekkistan.
  • A Monan (sometimes known as the Monan Host) ship also orbits Gallifrey.


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