Highlights include:
60th anniversary souvenir issue
Tate Modern – Catherine Tate on all things Donna and Doctor!
The Daleks in colour!
60th Anniversary Poll Results
Tales from the TARDIS
The Fact of Fiction unlocks the secrets of the Twelfth Doctor episode, 2015’s Heaven Sent.
60 Objects, 60 Years – the latest instalment of the series that tells the story of one object from every year of Doctor Who’s history.
Gallifrey Guardian – all the latest official news.
Other Worlds – the essential guide to new stories in Doctor Who’s expanded universe.
Previews, reviews, prize-winning competitions, Time and Space Visualiser and more.
Doctor Who Magazine Issue 597 is on sale Thursday 9 November from and WH Smith priced £8.99 (UK).
Also available as a digital edition from priced £7.99.