Series 8
Episode 9
First Transmitted
18 October 2014
Final Ratings
Written by |
Jamie Mathieson |
Directed by |
Paul Wilmhurst |
Produced by |
Nikki Wilson |
Separated from The Doctor, Clara discovers a new menace from another dimension. But how do you hide when even the walls are no protection? With people to save and the Doctor trapped, Clara goes against an enemy that exists beyond human perception.
The TARDIS exterior has shrunk on previous occasions. In Planet of Giants, it was made smaller, as were its occupants. In Logopolis, The Doctor’s TARDIS was reduced in size after The Master interfered with the Logopolitan’s Block Transfer Computation.
The Doctor again uses”pudding brain” as a mocking description of humans and their intelligence. (Deep Breath)The Doctor uncovers Clara’s lies about Danny’s stance of her travelling with him. (Mummy on the Orient Express)
Isolus were able to transfer the two dimensional into the three dimensional, and vice versa. (Fear Her)
The Doctor puts the TARDIS in siege mode.
The TARDIS makes itself lighter. When landed on the surface, its true weight would fracture the Earth.
The cloister bell tolls when the shrunken TARDIS is in extreme dangerof being shredded apart by an incoming subway train.
The TARDIS exterior has shrunk on several previous occasions:
a) When the TARDIS doors opened during flight, it was made smaller upon materialisation in England in 1964, as were the First Doctor, Susan Foreman, Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright. (Planet of Giants)
b) When the TARDIS materialised in a miniscope, the Third Doctor and Jo Grant were drastically miniaturised. (Carnival of Monsters)
c) In 1981, while the Fourth Doctor was fixing the chameleon circuit, the TARDIS was reduced in size after The Master interfered with the Logopolitan’s Block Transfer Computation. (Logopolis)
d) The TARDIS was twice miniaturised While inside the Teselecta. (Let’s Kill Hitler, The Wedding of River Song)
The Doctor adjusts the TARDIS‘ relative gravity so that Clara could pick it up. He says that if the TARDIS were to land with its true weight, it would fracture the surface of the Earth. The TARDIS was said by Romana II to weigh fifty thousand tonnes in Alzarius’ gravity. (Full Circle) “Seventeen thousand tons of thrust”, stated to be “Twenty five percent of the architecture.” of the TARDIS was once jettisoned by the Fifth Doctor to escape Event One. (Castrovalva) One time, when the TARDIS mapped its exterior dimensions onto its interiorones – making it the same size inside as outside – it was larger than Gallifrey. (The Ancestor Cell) It was once described by the Eleventh Doctor as being infinite. (Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS)
The Doctor again uses “pudding brain” as a mocking description of humans and their intelligence. (Deep Breath)
The Doctor uncovers Clara’s lies about Danny’s stance on her travelling with him. (Mummy on the Orient Express)