Ellie Higson



Ellie Higson



Place of Origin:


First Seen In:

The Mahogany Murderers


The Bloodless Soldier
The Bellova Devil
The Spirit Trap
The Similarity Engine
Litefoot and Sanders
The Necropolis Express
The Theatre of Dreams
The Ruthven Inheritance
Dead Men’s Tales
The Man at the End of the Garden
ChronoclasmJago in Love
Beautiful Things
The Lonely Clock
The Hourglass Killers
The Age of Revolution
The Case of the Gluttonous Guru
The Bloodchild Codex
The Final Act
Military Intelligence
The Trial of George Litefoot
The Monstrous Menagerie
The Night of 1000 Stars
The Wax Princess
Encore of the Scorchies
The Backwards Men
Jago & Litefoot & Patsy
Higson & Quick
The Flying Frenchmen
Return of the Nightmare
The Case of the Missing Gasogene
The Year of the Bat
The Mourning After
The Museum of Curiosities
The Haunting
Jago & Son
The Woman in White
Picture This
The Flickermen
School of Blood
Warm Blood
The Stuff of Nightmares
Chapel of Night
Too Much Reality
Jago & Litefoot Forever
The Jago & Litefoot Revival
Mind Games
The Last Adventure
Stage Fright

Main Voice Actor:

Lisa Bowerman


Ellie Higson was a barmaid at the Red Tavern in London during the 1890s who became a good friend and ally of two of its regulars, Henry Gordon Jago and Professor George Litefoot. (The Mahogany Murderers, Jago & Litefoot)

She was born around 1865. (The Bloodchild Codex) She had at least two brothers, Johnny Higson (The Night of 1000 Stars) and Private Jim Higson. (The Bloodless Soldier) Their mother had died by the 1890s. (The Bloodless Soldier)

Jim served in the British Army and was greatly looking forward to his return on leave, only for him to be killed shortly thereafter, while stopping a monster, who had once been his commanding officer, from running loose in London. (The Bloodless Soldier)

After her brother’s death, she decided to continue working despite her grief. (The Bellova Devil)

She was deeply affected by the death of her younger brother, leading her to seek the services of the spiritualist Mrs Vanguard, who claimed to be able to communicate with the dead. However, Ellie’s trusting nature almost had her trapped in an ethereal state when her body was taken over by temporal refugees from the 49th century, who were using Mrs. Vanguard for their own ends. Together with a similarly trapped Jago, they were able to reclaim their bodies and expel the invaders before the temporal tunnel was collapsed. (The Spirit Trap)

Lateron, Ellie became a pawn in a game of revenge between Jago and Litefoot and Gabriel Sanders, a vicious vampire prowling the streets of London, who had crossed swords with the two men and sworn revenge. He attacked and fed from Ellie, leaving her for dead. (Litefoot and Sanders)

However, she later revived as a fledgling vampire herself. Because of her strong will, and assistance from Professor Litefoot, she was able to resist her growing blood hunger, and satisfy herself with black pudding and morgue-procured blood. (The Necropolis Express)

Professor Litefoot also managed to devise a means that might suppress her vampiric instincts, by replacing her blood via transfusion, and this seemed to allow her natural human physiology to reassert itself, albeit slowly, with her heart beating slowly, and sluggishly pumping blood around her body. She was able to assume a relatively normal lifestyle with the thick smog that covered London allowing her to leave the house during the daylight hours, until Sanders returned to try and recruit his progeny. (The Theatre of Dreams)

Despite feeling him calling to her, she was able to resist for a short time, until she escaped from the house and was drawn to the estate Sanders was recuperating at. There, she was able to save Litefoot from being killed by a member of a family Sanders had been using for centuries in a program of selective breeding to improve in an effort to create a new species for him to hunt, to provide more of a distraction then humans currently did. When Sanders was finally vanquished by the three of them, his death, and the fact she had never killed and drank from a normal innocent human, seemed to finally cure herof her vampirism, and her connection to Sanders himself. (The Ruthven Inheritance)

Jago asked if she had some clothes to give to Leela. She later helped Leela in her investigations. (Dead Men’s Tales) She was surprised that the Red Tavern was wrecked whilst Litefoot was having tea, instead of when some soldier were on leave. Ellie thought that Leela was a good friend. (Chronoclasm)

She loved Brighton. (Jago in Love)

She was delighted to be invited to attend the premiere of Oscar Wilde’s play A Woman of No Importance at the Haymarket Theatre with Jago and Leela using tickets supplied by Professor Claudius Dark. (Beautiful Things)

She went to find Kempston and Hardwick with Leela. They went with Winnie O’Connor, to the train where Jago and Litefoot were trapped in a time loop. (The Lonely Clock)

In order to distract Kempston and Hardwick she pretended to be Leela. Once this was discovered Jago, Quick and Ellie went into Kempston and Harwick layer to find information to help The Doctor. (The Hourglass Killers)

She saw that Litefoot was nervous about something and told him to go to Quick. She helped Jago and Agatha Worthing find Litefoot after he was kidnapped. (Military Intelligence)

She didn’t believe that Litefoot had committed Jago’s murder. She helped Agatha and Quick find the Colonel to stop Litefoot from being persecuted. When this failed she joined them all to the stop the Colonel. After the destruction of his base, she had to help Jago and Litefoot escape from being captured by the police. (The Trial of George Litefoot) She managed to get a message to Litefoot and Jago that The Doctor that they could use his house at 107 Baker Street. (The Monstrous Menagerie)

She was chased with Jago by a big creature. Remorsev got her to remember her bad memories. She knew some basic magic tricks. She told of a story of one of her bar pundits who died in the Red Tavern, a person who was always drunk after his wife and kid died in a fire. He smelt of soot so she went to Litefoot for help. She remembered one of her former flames who abandoned her. She realised that the creature was the remorse they were feeling. (The Night of 1000 Stars)

She knew of Frederick Abberline. She overheard Abberline’s conversation of Jago and Litefoot. She suggested investigating the New Regency Theatre. She was latter taken by the Ripper, before Quick rescued her. (The Wax Princess)

She found the Scorchies creepy and had misgiving about them.When Litefoot didn’t join her in the pub she asked Appleby to investigate. As he didn’t come back, she came back to the theatre and used the discarded fireworks back stage and burnt all of the Scorchies. (Encore of the Scorchies)

Jago and Litefoot took her to a funfair. She suggested that Jago should rent of Wednesday machines so that Quick could investigate what they were doing. (The Backwards Men)

She thought something was wrong with Jago and Litefoot when they ordered water at the Red Tavern instead of beer. She then spied upon them to find out why they were acting strangely. She later told this to Quick who closed to pub to allow them both to go to Paddington station. At the station, she was trapped in a carriage of the train that Jago was driving. She realised that it was the Darkling Façade that stopped them from drinking so secretely gave them alcohol, to stop them. (Higson & Quick)

She wanted to know about Mr Rees’ act and wanted to watch it, but didn’t like it. She was attacked outside the theatre by a brainwashed theatregoer. (Mind Games)

She wanted Jago and Litefoot to write to her whilst they were on a cruise. (The Flying Frenchman)

She didn’t think that Jago and Litefoot would be back so quickly. Fowler trapped her in the pub whilst he waited for the beast to come after him. (Return of the Nightmare)

She later reunited the Sixth Doctor with Jago and Litefoot when he wanted to show Flip Jackson the New Regency. She was worried at Jago’s good fortune. The Valeyard could tell that she was a vampire. He later asked her to play Sarah Jane Smith in one of his rewrites. She used the customers in the Red Tavern to invade the New Regency Theatre in an attempt to stop The Valeyard. (Stage Fright)

She was introduced to Carruthers Summerton at the Red Tavern. (The Case of the Missing Gasogene)

At Litefoot’s house she was present at the delivery of the Yesterday Box, and heard the story of when both Jago and Litefoot ha previously encountered it. She later had to barricade Litefoot’s attic from some Bat Nannies. (The Year of the Bat)

She attended Jago’s funeral and arranged the wake. When zombies later attacked the Red Tavern she helped Quick to stop them gaining entrance. She was also a dab hand at darts. (The Mourning After)

She served Jago and Litefoot both beef pies at the Tavern. Betterman ran into her at the Tavern and told her that he was abducted and bound. She went with Betterman to where he was locked up to help him find more about his captor. He suggested to her that they should capture his captor. She found him dead. When they found information of Sibelius Crow she became intrigued on the other exhibits and found a Scorchie and one of the Colonel’s Machine. She realised that Summerton had no mention of heror Quick. (The Museum of Curiosities)

She was delighted when Jean Bazemore told her that she believed that Women might be able to get degrees in the future. (Jago & Son)

She tried to stop a fight in the Red Tavern shortly before Jago came it saying that Litefoot had disappeared. She was a dab hand at lock picking and joined Jago in searching Maurice Ravel’s flat. Inside she saw something weird in a tank. She explored the room and knocked out the impersonator. (Maurice) She didn’t want Jago and Litefoot talking about Vampires in the Red Tavern. (The Woman in White) Litefoot took her to the theatre where they saw a new act Mrs Sosostris. She later served The Master who asked her about Jago and Litefoot, and corrected her Metabolic Imbalance. She saw in the mirror in Jago’s office a version of Jago that was dilapidated. The Master used her as a bargaining chip. (Masterpiece)

About a year later, Ellie Higson was visited by the Eleventh Doctor, who had her pass on a message for Jago and Litefoot to join him for Ginger beer at the Red Tavern. (The Jago & Litefoot Revival)

Her vampiric tendencies returned and she went to the Scarlet Gallery. She murdered Melchester and stole a painting. Ellie wanted to see the Old One as she wanted to embrace her vampire side. The painting she stole depicted the death of her brother. (Picture This)

She told Litefoot about the local myth of the Flickerman and took him to meet an old friend, Pete Stepney. After visiting the fair she killed one of the locals. (The Flickermen) After she thought Jago was looking into her she went to the Old One to ask him to give her another way to prove herself to him. She then killed Lucilla Fredericks to please her master. (School of Blood)

She committed another murder a few streets away from the Red Tavern. After Jago followed her, she followed him to Litefoot’s house. She told him about a potential vampire uprising. She confronted Litefoot and Jago about the murderof her brother. The Old One betrayed Ellie and order her to be killed. She then asked Litefoot to kill her as he didn’t want the Old One’s servants to do it. She learnt the truth of her brother’s death but was attacked and lost a lot of blood. (Warm Blood)

She had a dream where she was the Old One and had Jago and Litefoot as her servants and order them to kill Quick. She tried to stop Cara from torturing Litefoot. (The Stuff of Nightmares)

Ellie cried profusely at Litefoot’s funeral. She later told his younger self that it was a beautiful service but that she disapproved of his decision to have the hymn “All Things Bright and Beautiful” played during the service. (The Final Act)

Ellie’s vampiric nature wasn’t completely expunged, which allowed her live far beyond her natural life expectancy. By 1968, Ellie had become landlady of the Red Tavern, and owned her own chain of restaurants. (The Age of Revolution) It was in that year when she was once again reunited with Jago and Litefoot, who had been left in the Red Tavern in 1968 by the Sixth Doctor. (Voyage to the New World)

She and Litefoot investigated a rival restaurant that was stealing her business. She later became concerned when her shelf started selling a strange caviar and acting strangely. When he started hiccuping tadpoles she was concerned that the police might quarantine her restaurant. She was on the board of the Royal Ballet. (The Case of the Gluttonous Guru)

She worked with Litefoot in his bookshop on a day off. While there, she discovered a book authored by Litefoot himself and hid it from him. Becoming caught up in yet another investigation, she stopped Thomas Bloodchild from manifesting. (The Bloodchild Codex)

Ellie saved Jago and Litefoot from Magnus Greel by stepping into Greel’s distillation chamber, using her unnaturally long lifespan to overload Greel’s time cabinet and kill him and Guinevere Godiva. Litefoot theorised that Ellie’s long lifespan had saved her from being totally drained, and suggested that she may once again begin to age like a normal human. (The Final Act)


On a parallel Earth, she didn’t know who Jago and Litefoot were. (Chapel of Night)

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