Constance Clarke
Main Aliases:
Mrs Clarke, Connie
Place of Origin:
Henry Clarke
Affiliated With:
Women’s Royal Naval Service
First Seen In:
Planet of the Rani
Shield of the Jötunn
Order of the Daleks
Absolute Power
The Behemoth
The Middle
Cry of the Vultriss
Scorched Earth
The Lovecraft Invasion
The Darkened Earth
Main Voice Actor:
Miranda Raison
Constance Clarke was a leading WREN of the Women’s Royal Naval Service during World War II, working at Bletchley Park in 1944, who travelled with The Doctor in his sixth incarnation. She preferred to be addressed as “Mrs Clarke”.
Constance grew up in Nyasaland, later known as Malawi. (Criss-Cross)
She had a great-uncle named Jasper, who lived alone in an expansive manor house and spent his time talking to his dog and taking potshots at rabbits. The Doctor reminded Constance of him. (Shield of the Jötunn)
She returned to the United Kingdom after her father died of tuberculosis prior to 1940. Constance attended Somerville College at the University of Oxford, where she received a first in modern languages at a young age she married sub lieutenant Henry Clarke of the Naval Intelligence Division, who was posted to special duties in November 1943. They were unable to have children. (Criss-Cross, Quicksilver)
While at Bletchley, she attended an escapology course but she paid little attention during it. (Absolute Power).
In 1944, she met the Sixth Doctor when she chastised him foroverworking Sylvia Wimpole. When Major Harris came to investigate information on The Doctor, she asked him about her husband and if he was still alive. She accompanied The Doctor to Cambridge and asked Robbie Flint about her husband as well. She forced The Doctor to take her with him on his travels, wanting to be taken back to her duties once she decided to finish travelling. (Criss-Cross)
Constance went through The Doctor’s email in-box and found several emails for the Rani’s parole hearing. She visited Teccaurora Penitentiary when the Rani kidnapped her. Raj Kahnu asked her why she travelled with The Doctor and then tried to have her placed in one of his suits of armour. (Planet of the Rani)
On one travel with The Doctor, she visited the Parallel Sect where she rescued Tim Hope from being run over by a train. She suggested that they should get back to the train station when she saw the remnants of the driver’s cabin. The Doctor left her in the train when he went with Keith Potter to look after the passengers. After Alice LLoyd started acting strangely, Constance left with Tim to find The Doctor. Arriving at the station, she informed The Doctor that the passengers were killing each other like it was an epidemic. The Master threatened her with his Tissue Compression Eliminator. She was delighted when The Doctor defeated The Master’s plans. She had Tim’s coat on which contained a Relative Dimensional Stabiliser. (The End of the Line)
Given that she was married, when The Doctor introduced her to others as “Constance, ” she was quick to correct The Doctor to a more formal “Mrs Clarke.” (The End of the Line). However, she allowed Lyam Yce, Florrie Solomon and Ammar Elkady to address her by her first name. (Absolute Power). She initially disliked it when Flip Jackson called her “Connie” but she eventually came to tolerate it. (Quicksilver)
Constance first appeared in The End of the Line as an existing companion of the Sixth Doctor. Due to the release date of the Sixth Doctor: The Last Adventure being changed from September 2015 to August 2015, The End of the Line was released before the character’s introductory story.