Dalek War: Chapter 3

Dalek War: Chapter 3
Jeremy James (Herrick/Trooper/Vaarga Man), Gareth Thomas (Kalendorf), Hannah Smith (The Mentor), Simon Bridge (Scientist), Mark Donovan (Allenby), Ian Brooker(Sparks/Marber), Dannie Carr (Morli), Mark McDonnell (Alby Brook), Sarah Mowat(Susan Mendes), Teresa Gallagher (Mirana), Steven Elder (Siy Tarkov), Karen Henson (Saloran Hardew), Nicholas Briggs (The Daleks)
Kalendorf’s victorious fleet has entered Earth’s solar system. But what has happened to Jupiter?
Meanwhile, Alby and Suz are being held captive by Enemy Dalek forces. But with the Emperor’s consciousness inhabiting Suz’s mind, can Alby ever again trust the woman he loves?
And could it be that Kalendorf and the Mentor have stumbled into a Dalek trap? Time may be running out for the human alliance with The Daleks from another universe…
Written by: Nicholas Briggs
Directed by: Nicholas Briggs
coming soon
- Dalek War Chapter Three was the third instalment of Dalek Empire II: Dalek War
- In the 67th century, Kalendorf is known as “The Dark One” and “The Bringer of Death” for bringing about the Great Catastrophe. Saloran Haredew tells Siy Tarkov that there is one word that comes close to summing him up: “warrior.” Children of that time are taught in school that he is a monster responsible for billions of deaths.
- The Mentor refers to Skaro as the home
of the Enemy Daleks in the primary universe, suggesting that the Alliance daleks may have originated on a different planet in their own universe.
- All of Dalek War is told in retrospect.
- Although they are the three main characters in the series, this story marks the first and only time that Suz, Kalendorf and Alby are all together in the same place.
- The Enemy Daleks have placed varga plants on the surface of Jupiter. (
Mission to the Unknown, The Daleks’ Master Plan)
- All of Dalek War is told in retrospect.