
Peter Davison (
A mysterious force snatches Adric and Tegan from inside the TARDIS. In search of their lost friends, The Doctor and Nyssa arrive on the planet Zaltys – a world just hours from catastrophe.
Written by: Matthew J Elliott
Directed by: Barnaby Edwards
coming soon
- Zaltys was the two hundred and twenty-third story in Big Finish’s monthly range.
- In Lithuanian mythology Zaltys (žaltys, literally – grass snake) is a household spirit guarding one’s home
- The Doctor compares the colourful beaches and skies of Zaltys to those of Thoros Beta. (Mindwarp
- Adric mentions that he has read every book on mathematics in the TARDIS library.)
- In Lithuanian mythology, Žaltys (literally, a grass snake) is a household spirit guarding one’s home.
Gevaudan is named after the Beast of Gévaudan, a man-eating wolf which terrorised the French province of Gévaudan in the 1760s.
- Adric is reading Dracula as he wants to be prepared in case they met any more vampires. (State of Decay)
- Tegan refers to the fact that Adric piloted the TARDIS to Castrovalva while he was under the Master’s control. (Castrovalva)
- Adric has piloted the TARDIS in numerous simulateditions. (The Contingency Club)
- Tegan is under the impression that The Master is dead. (Castrovalva). She would later learn that he was still alive when they encountered him on Earth in 140, 000, 000 BC. (Time-Flight)
- Adric attempts to materialise the TARDIS at Heathrow Airport in 1981, as The Doctor had failed to do on numerous previous occasions. (Four to Doomsday, Kinda, The Visitation, Psychodrome, Iterations of I, The Star Men, The Contingency Club, Smoke and Mirrors)
- The Doctor tells Nyssa that he took the TARDIS from Gallifrey. (An Unearthly Child, Logopolis, The Name of the Doctor, The Beginning)
- Nyssa refers to the destruction of the Zero Room. (Castrovalva)
- Tegan efers to Adric’s badge for mathematical excellence. (Full Circle)
- Adric mentions that Tegan’s aunt Vanessa was killed by The Master. (Logopolis)
- Adric reminds Tegan that his elder brother Varsh was killed by the Marshmen in the Starlineron Alzarius. (Full Circle)
- Adric refers to the destruction of Traken. (Logopolis)
- The Doctor compares the colourful beaches and skies of Zaltys to those of Thoros-Beta, a planet which he has avoided visiting due to its”garish” colour scheme. He would eventually visit Thoros-Beta in 2379 during his sixth incarnation. (Mindwarp)
- Tegan refers to the Terrible Zodin. (The Five Doctors, Attack of the Cybermen, Requiem for the Rocket Men, Power Play)
- The Doctor mentions that he has visited Draconia. (Frontier in Space)
- Adric refers to the Fourth Doctor’s regeneration. (Logopolis)
- Nyssa recalls her visit to Monarch’s ship in 1981. (Four to Doomsday)
- The Doctor compares the people of Zaltys placing themselves in cryogenic stasis to the similar actions taken by the Cybermen on Telos in the 25th century (The Tomb of the Cybermen) and the Silurians (Doctor Who and the Silurians)
- Tegan compares Monarch to a”talking frog”. (Four to Doomsday)
- The Doctor comments that Nyssa is not gifted in telebiogenesis. (Castrovalva)
- Gevaudan detects Nyssa’s psychic abilities. (Time-Flight)
- The Doctor tells Gevaudan that Nyssa has not known him for very long. (The Keeper of Traken)