The Shining Man

The Shining Man
The Shining Man


“Being scared is the least of your worries.”

The Shining Men are everywhere. You spot them out of the cornerof your eye. Abnormally tall, with long lank hair, blank faces and blazing eyes. If they catch you, they’ll drag you away to who knows where. No one is safe. They’re on every street corner. Waiting. Watching. Shining bright.

of course it’s a hoax. It has to be, right? It started as a joke, a prank for Halloween. Then it went viral. Idiots dressing up as monsters. Giving folk a scare. Silly masks and fright wigs. No one gets hurt. Because bogeymen aren’t real.

Until people start going missing and lights burn in the darkness. Burning like eyes.

But help is on its way, in the form of a strange man called The Doctor and his friend, Bill. The Doctor will keep us safe. The Doctor will stop the monsters. Unless the monsters stop The Doctor first…

An original novel featuring the Twelfth Doctor and Bill as played by Peter Capaldi and Pearl Mackie..


coming soon


The Devil’s Whisper, The Walls Have Teeth and Children of the Cull are monster movies watched by Sammy.
Noah and his friend Dylan Edwards skipped a class to look for the Shining Men.
Noah has a duvet of the Ghost flying over Manhattan.
Sammy calls the Shining Men an urban legend, a term Noah is unfamiliar with.
Little Miss Sunshine versus the Sulky Skarasen is one of the books on the TARDIS.
Bill mentions that the MeadowPhone 3 came out in August 2017.
Charlotte is a vlogger. Her account name is Cryptogal-UK.
Charlotte has copies of Fortean Times and Preternatural Monthly all over her van.
The hashtag #fearthelight is used to talk about the Shining Men.
Charlotte briefly wonders if The Doctor and Bill are with UNIT or Torchwood, expressing hope that they are not with the Forge. Later, The Doctor uses his psychic paper as credentials to confirm his affiliation with UNIT.

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