Kingdom of Lies
Peter Davison (The Doctor), Janet Fielding (Tegan Jovanka), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Matthew Waterhouse (Adric), Jonathan Firth (Sebastian, Duke of Cardenas), Charlotte Lucas (Duchess Miranda), Harriet Thorpe (Amelia), Tim Bentinck (Lord Crozion), Richenda Carey (Lady Crozion), Piotr Hatherer (Tomek), Patsy Kensit (The Scorpion), Harry Smith (Additional Voices)
On the planet Cicero Prime, the kingdom of Cardenas is divided, with the whole population forced to swear allegiance to either the effete Duke or the fiery, hard-edged Duchess. This is a situation both parties have grown tired of. What use is half a kingdom when, thanks to a carefully engineered murder, you could have it all?
Surely, neither of them would be rash enough to summon the deadly off-world assassin The Scorpionto help with their problem? And surely, this terrifying figure wouldn’t arrive wearing a long cream coat and striped trousers…?
Written by: Robert Khan and Tom Salinsky
Directed by: Barnaby Edwards
- Kingdom of Lies was the two hundred and thirty-fourth story in Big Finish’s monthly range
- This story was recorded on 9 and 10 July 2017 at the Moat Studios, London.
- According to the script, the story had the working title Death and the Duchy.
- Patsy Kensit played the Scorpion in this story, but she is credited on the Big Finish website as “Mercenary”.
- Tegan mentions the dead reckoning on a 747.
- Cicero Beta is another planet in the system.
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