Time Lord
Place of Origin:
High Chancellor
Lord President
Affiliated With:
High Council
Council of Administration
First Seen In:
The Five Doctors
The Legacy of Gallifrey
Blood Harvest
Goth Opera
Human Nature
The Eight Doctors
The Five Doctors
Main Actor:
Dinah Sheridan
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Flavia was both the
Flavia met with the <5thdoctorpage" a href="5thdoctorpage">fifth incarnation of the Doctor when
In her first term as President, Flavia was “pitched into the Presidency when Borusa vanished and the Doctor absconded”. (The Eight Doctors) Flavia was later deposed in favourof the political non-entity Niroc after allegations were created that she had not been legitimately elected to the Presidency. The Celestial Intervention Agency wanted a President they could control more easily, to conceal the recent theft of important data from the Matrix. The Doctor was put on trial during this period. A Committee of Inquiry was opened into the trial. This was due to the actions of the Eighth Doctor and a temporal duplicate of the Sixth Doctor (the latter was created when the Valeyard tried to “force” an alternate timeline where the Sixth Doctor was found guilty and executed). Although the Sixth Doctor’s temporal duplicate eventually ceased to exist, he lasted long enough to testify at his future self’s inquiry. The Doctor awakened Borusa to quell the riots while the Sixth Doctor fought The Valeyard and The Master in the Matrix. (The Eight Doctors,
After several regenerations, she became the President once again. (The Eight Doctors)
When the Seventh Doctor was captured by the Committee of Three, his companions escaped and warned President Flavia of the danger. (Blood Harvest)
Shortly afterwards, Ruath shot Flavia with a stunner to gain access to the Time Scoop. (Goth Opera)
Flavia later learnt The Doctor was visiting his past seven selves for unknown reasons, bypassing all usual security protocols preventing such interaction. Flavia, despite the protests of the unscrupulous Time Lord Ryoth, decided to allow these visits to continue until they were proven to be a danger to Gallifrey. Once the visits were concluded, Flavia reflected that she wished The Doctor well in his future adventures. (The Eight Doctors)
Conflicting accounts existed as to the manner in which Flavia’s political career endedat issue was whether Romana II had directly succeeded Flavia, or if there had been an intervening president.
One view held that Romana II simply contested Flavia for the presidency and won. (Happy Endings) This was later confirmed by Romana’s direct recollection that she had invoked a so-called “right of challenge” against her predecessor, just as Darkel later challenged her. (Insurgency)
However, there was evidence of an intervening president. On anotheroccasion, Romana said she had been”asked to become President after the coup that overthrew Flavia’s inauspicious reign”, in spite of her lack of political experience – suggesting another President ruled in an interim term. Braxiatel also implied that Romana’s predecessor was male. (Lies)