Zhe Ikiyuyu



Zhe Ikiyuyu



Affiliated With:

Pentaquoteque Gallery


The Arts in Space


Zhe was trained in Block Transfer Computation on Logopolis.

Zhe could sing in seven voices simultaneously, each possessing seven octaves.

They resided on a moon of Ouloumos. There they hosted parties on their that the Tenth Doctor remembered fondly. To better understand the experience of others, they used various body augmentations, in particular, changing the gender. During the visit of the Tenth Doctor and Gabby Gonzalez Zhe was in the form of a female with four arms and three eyes.

Facing criticism of their works, they withdrew their block transfer sculptures from the Pentaquoteque Gallery on Ouloumos and exiled themselves to their private retreat on the its moon. However, feeling lonely there, they created the binary apprentice, a block transfer sculpture with an AI persona. In doing so Zhe managed to sidestep the incompatibility between Block Transfer Computation and computational machines by using an organic matrix, the quantum sphere. The apprentice became a physical manifestation of Zhe’s self-doubt. Unable to control their creation, Zhe spent around a century in a voluntary stasis.

When The Doctor managed to telepathically reach Zhe in their stasis and return back to reality, they reverted the apprentice back into the quantum sphere, unhappy that the apprentice turned from creation to destruction. (The Arts in Space)

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