Way of the Doctor
Way of the Doctoris a fun and engaging way to make sense of the life-lessons presented in Doctor Who. Spanning the entire history of everyone’s favorite, universe-saving Time Lord, Way of the Doctorhas something for every fan. Using his powers as an Earthly Doctor of Philosophy, Lewis explores the lessons of wisdom, ethics, getting lost, evil, vengeance, forgiveness, knowledge, endings, and Doctor Who’s status as a religion. Challenging and exciting, Way of the Doctoris guaranteed to enlighten and make your brain hurt a little, but most importantly, to make it a little easier to live the good life of the Doctor.
“Way of the Doctoris a fantastic journey through some of life’s most important questions. Fans of Doctor Who won’t be too surprised to learn that some of the most profound questions about human flourishing have been taught to us by a Gallifreyan with a sonic screwdriver. Fans… past, present and future, will not want to miss this excellent little book. Don’t let its length fool you, it’s biggeron the inside!” – Kevin McCain, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, co-or Red Rising and Philosophy, and Authorof Evidentialism and Epistemic Justificatedition and the Nature of Scientific Knowledge.
“Way of the Doctoris a must read for Doctor Who fans with an interest in philosophy. Professor Lewis uses his intimate knowledge of Doctor Who to address the thorniest of philosophical questions: how should we live?…Way of the Doctoris an entertaining examination of the human condition and the light that can be thrown on it by the adventures of everyone’s favourite Time Lord.” – Gregory Littmann, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville. Contributed to several examinations of popular culture, including Doctor Who, Neil Gaiman, Roald Dahl, and the Walking Dead.
COURTLAND LEWIS is Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Owensboro Community and Technical College. He is the Series Editorof Vernon Press’s series on the Philosophy of Forgiveness, co-orof Doctor Who and Philosophy, and orof Futurama and Philosophy and Divergent and Philosophy.
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