Storm Warning

Storm Warning
Paul McGann (
October, 1930. His Majesty’s Airship, the R101, sets off on her maiden voyage to the farthest-flung reaches of the British Empire, carrying the brightest lights of the Imperial fleet. Carrying the hopes and dreams of a breathless nation.
Not to mention a ruthless spy with a top-secret mission, a mysterious passenger who appears nowhere on the crew list, a would-be adventuress destined for the Singapore Hilton. and a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey.
There’s a storm coming. There’s something unspeakable, something with wings, crawling across the stern. Thousands of feet high in the blackening sky, the crew of the R101 brace themselves. When the storm breaks, their lives won’t be all that’s at stake.
The future of the galaxy will be hanging by a thread.

- Storm Warning was the sixteenth monthly Doctor Who audio story produced by Big Finish Productions. Released in January 2001, this was the first audio story to feature Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor
- The 2001 Eighth Doctor audio drama covers carry The Doctor Who logo in copper. The BBC only noticed this halfway through the season, and were not happy. Gary Russell persuaded them to let Big Finish keep the logo for these four plays, if he promised never to use them again
- As the first Eighth Doctor audio drama, this was also the first Big Finish audio drama to take place after the events of The TV Movie, then the most recent televised appearance of the Doctor.
- This audio drama was recorded on 18 May 2000 at Christchurch Studios.
- An illustrated preview of this story appeared in DWM 300 illustrated by Lee Sullivan.
- This is the first Big Finish audio drama to feature the sonic screwdriver.
- The Doctor compares the R101 to the Sandminer Storm Mine 4 (The Robots of Death) and the Hyperion III (Terror of the Vervoids).
- The R101 was launched from the Cardington airbase. (Zagreus)