The Man in the Velvet Mask
“The triumph of virtue. The misfortunes of vice. Who said the play had to be like the book?”
24 Messidor, XXII: the TARDIS has landed in post-revolutionary France, or so it appears. But the futuristic structure of the New Bastille towers over a twisted version of Paris. And First Deputy Minski, adopted son of the infamous Marquis de Sade, presides over a reign of terror that has yet to end.
Revolutionary soldiers arrest an ailing Doctor as a curfew breaker. Dodo is recruited by a band of wandering players whose intentions are less than pure. Deep in the dungeons of the Bastille, Prisoner 6 tries desperately to remember who he is. And outside time and space, a gathering of aliens watch in horror as their greatest experiment goes catastrophically wrong.
coming soon
- The Man in the Velvet Mask was the nineteenth novel in the Virgin Missing Adventures series. It was written by Daniel O’Mahony. It featured the First Doctor and Dodo Chaplet.
- Earth is referred to as “Planet D02RL in Mutter’s Spiral”.
- According to the novel, Time Lords grow their second heart after their first regeneration. This is an attempt to rectify the implication in the television story The Edge of Destrucion that the First Doctor had only a single heart
- The Doctor mistakenly calls Dodo“Susan” at one point, and again mentions how similar they look. (The Massacre of St Bartholomew’s Eve)
- The Doctor tells Dodo that his time is near, (The Tenth Planet) and that he has known it is coming since his latest meeting with the Toymaker. (The Celestial Toymaker)
- The recent departure of Steven Taylor is mentioned twice (The Savages) and Dodo relates the story of his two-year imprisonment. (The Chase)
- Dodo tells Dalville she can play the piano a bit, mentioning “The Ballad of the Last Chance Saloon” as an example of something she can play. (The Gunfighters)
- The Doctor recalls having been separated from the TARDIS in China in 1289. (Marco Polo)
- When encountering aliens, Dodo compares them to the Monoids and Refusians. (The Ark)
- Dodo recalls having seen the Earth explode in the far future. (The Ark)