Troll Doll Figure

Robert Harrop Troll Doll – Terror of the Autons

Robert Harrop Troll Doll – Terror of the Autons

From ‘Terror of the Autons’

“Oh, it’s a horrible looking thing. There’s something evil about it.”

The Master arrives on Earth and steals the sole surviving Nestene energy unit from the National Space Museum, which was left over from the failed Nestene invasion documented in ‘Spearhead from Space’ (1970). The Nestene Conciousness is a disembodied life force, a hive mind race and a singular entity existing as energy with the ability to possess plastic.

The Master then hijacks the Beacon Hill radio telescope, which he uses as a bridgehead to channel energy from the Nestene Consciousness in space into the surviving unit. He then takes over Farrel Autoplastics, a nearby plastics factory, to build a force of Autons, plastic mannequins animated by the Nestene Consciousness, to use as soldiers for a second invasion of Earth.

Reports of the theft and hijack bring The Doctor, his assistant Jo Grant and Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart to investigate.

A Limited Edition Hand painted figurine/statue from The Doctor Who Collection.
Designed, Sculpted and Made in Shropshire, England by Robert Harrop Designs.
Traditionally Hand Sculpted by Mike Rodgers.
Official BBC License. The figurine has been approved by The Doctor Who television production team at the BBC.
Approximately 3 inches (75mm) tall.
A Limited Edition of Only 225 Figurines Worldwide.
Individually hand numbered with a unique numberon the base.
Comes complete in a presentation box with information card and a Certificate of Authenticity!

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