Trial of the Valeyard

Trial of the Valeyard

Trial of the Valeyard

Regular Cast

Colin Baker (The Doctor), Michael Jayston (The Valeyard), Lynda Bellingham (The Inquisitor), John Banks (Hermit)


There is some evil in all of us – even The Doctor. Transported aboard the Time Lords’ orbiting courtroom, The Doctor once again encounters The Valeyard, an amalgameditation of the darker sides of his nature. This time, however, The Doctor isn’t in the dock. This time, The Valeyard is the defendant, accused of a crime so terrible that the presiding Inquisitor is forbidden to reveal it even to the court, nor even to his counsel for the defence… The Doctor.

If The Valeyard is found guilty, he’ll be executed. Execute The Valeyard, and the secret of his origins dies with him. A secret that The Doctor is desperate to know… and which the Time Lords will stop at nothing to protect.

This release was available to customers who bought a 6 or 12-release subscription to The Doctor Who Monthly Range and was released generally December 2014.

Written by: Alan Barnes and Mike Maddox

Directed by: Barnaby Edwards



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  • Trial of the Valeyard was Big Finish Productions’ subscriber-free release for 2013.
  • Eta Rho is a gas giant around which orbits a single satellite.
  • Shadow Houses are rumoured organisations on Gallifrey where Time Lords who have experienced failed regenerations are sent.
  • This story was released free to Big Finish subscribers whose subscriptions included Afterlife.
  • This story was recorded on 15 and 20 May 2013
  • This story was released to the public in December 2014.
  • The Doctor recognises Space Station Zenobia from his trial. (The Trial of a Time Lord)
  • The Doctor mentions how The Master was able to survive past his final incarnation and also theorises that the Valeyard is a Watcher. (The Keeper of Traken, Logopolis)
  • The Doctor’s “final incarnation” mutters incoherently about Totter’s Yard (An Unearthly Child), Polly Wright, and fish people, “not as stupid as it sounds.” (The Underwater Menace)

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