Trading Futures
“Welcome to the future.”
The early decades of the twenty-first century. All the wars have been won. There are no rogue states. The secret services of the world keep the planet electronically monitored, safe from all threat. There is no one left for the United States and the Eurozone to fight. Except each other.
A mysterious time traveleroffers a better future – he has a time machine, and with it, humanity could reach the next stage of evolution, they could share its secrets and become the new Lords of Time…
…either that, or someone could keep the technology for themselves, and use it to fight the ultimate war.
coming soon
- Trading Futures was the fifty-fifth novel in the BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures series.
- Fitz uses a RealWar robot in what he thinks is an arcade game.
- Fitz can still speak Chinese.
- Anji thinks about “current” technology in relation to Hitchemus’s.
- Jaxa and Roja are Sabbath’s Time Agent mercenaries. Jaxa is a historian.
- Stylistically (right down to the cover), Trading Futures is a little bit like a James Bond movie, with The Doctor blowing up spy boats, car chases and international travel, bombs in interesting places…plus some genuine (non-coffee machine) time travel (and space alien rhinos).
- The “dancing flame women” on the cover is a reuse of the fire image from the novel The Adventuress of Henrietta Street, you can see the silhouette of the Doctorin one of the women.
- BBC Books has announced that a “print on demand” reprint edition of this novel will be made available as of 31st August 2011 as the imprint revisits adventures featuring the first
eight Doctors. This book is also available as an ebook from the Amazon Kindle store
- Fitz learnt to speak Chinese during his time brainwashed for Communist China. (Revolution Man)
- Fitz wanders the TARDIS corridors and hears something scratching behind the walls. The source of the noise is revealed in The Gallifrey Chronicles.
- The Doctor first met Felix Mather While hijacking the Atlantis space shuttle. (Father Time)
- Cosgrove has survived the Martian invasion, (The Dying Days) and the Fall of Learman. (The Time of the Daleks)
- The Doctor remembers meeting Time Agents in 1933. (Eater of Wasps)
- Fitz learnt to speak Chinese during his time brainwashed for Communist China. (Revolution Man)