The Time Lord Letters
To Whom It May Concern
As you have no doubt noticed, I have removed a TARDIS Time Capsule from this location. I do not intend to return it. As it is a ratherold model and was in for repair, I really cannot imagine that anyone will miss it.
But assuming someone does, and an explanation is required, allow me to elucidate. In short, I have had enough of monitoring and analysis. I am bored with watching rather than doing. With a whole universe of space and time to explore, all we Time Lords ever do is observe. Well, I don’t know about you, but for Susan and myself, this is no longer enough.
Should you wish the TARDIS returned, you will find me somewhere in space and time. But, quite frankly, we would rather not be bothered.
The Doctor
Inner dustjacket flaps read as follows:
No one could travel through history – past, present and future – as much as the Doctor does without leaving an impression. Much of what we know about this mysterious figure comes from the planets he saves and the monsters he defeats. But we’ve had little knowledge of his writings… until now.
The Time Lord Letters is a collection of overone hundred letters, notes, and jottings both by and to The Doctor – correspondence by turns entertaining and inspiring, funny and flippant, brilliant and increditedible.
From The Doctor’s plea to the Time Lords to help end the War Games to an extract from the written defence he submitted at his subsequent trial, from his application for the post of Caretaker at Coal Hill School to his apology to the Queen for missing dinner, from telepathic messages to the High Council on Gallifrey to his famous letter to Santa Claus – The Time Lord Letters captures the best and most dramatic moments of an impossible life.
You’ll never see The Doctor in quite the same way again.
Justin Richards has written for stage and screen as well as writing novels and graphic novels. He writes extensively for children and has also co-written several action thrillers for young adults with the acknowledged masterof the genre, Jack Higgins. The first novel in his adult SF series, The Never War, titled The Suicide Exhibition, was published by Del Rey in late 2013. The second volume – The Blood Red City – was published in 2014. Justin currently acts as Creative Consultant to BBC Books’ range of Doctor Who titles, as well as writing quite a few himself. Married with two children (both boys), Justin lives and works in Warwick, within sight of one of Britain’s best-preserved castles.
The Doctor was born on Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous, and graduated from Prydon Academy when he was an older man than he is now. After spending some time as a wanderer in the fourth dimension together with his granddaughter Susan, The Doctor came to regard himself as a citizen of the universe. He has travelled extensively through time and space, as well as spending a period as Scientific Advisor to the secretive UNIT organisation. Now in his twelfth incarnation (or possibly his thirteenth – accounts vary), The Doctor has been saving the Universe for as long as he can remember. Possibly longer. His real name – if he has one – is unknown.
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