The UNIT Collection
Read by Caroline John, Geoffrey Beevers and Katy Manning, these stories feature the Third Doctor, with a guest appearance by the First and Second Doctors.
The UNIT Collection was a box set collecting five Target novelisation readings. All of the stories novelised featured UNIT.
In Doctor Who and the Auton Invasion by Terrance Dicks, the newly regenerated Doctor grapples with murderous waxwork replicas and shop window dummies.
In Doctor Who and the Cave Monsters by Malcolm Hulke, subterranean reptile men wake to find their planet overrun by humans.
In Doctor Who: Inferno, a drilling project to penetrate the Earth’s crust has potentially catastrophic consequences.
Doctor Who and the Terror of the Autons finds The Master in league with the Nestenes whilst in Doctor Who: The Three Doctors a crisis for the Time Lords requires the intervention of not one but three incarnations of our hero.
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