The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 3

The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 3
Tim Treloar (The Doctor), Katy Manning (Jo Grant), George Watkins (Delralis), John Banks (Jickster), Amy Newton (Elaquon), Robin Weaver (Arianda), Iain Batchelor (Adam Rigg), Robert Hands (Major Hardy/Crewman), Richard Derrington (Commander Burton), Ian Conningham (Sinko/Ronson/Lieutenant), Jake Dudman (UNIT Radio Operator) and Nicholas Briggs (The Daleks)
Storm of the Horofax
Helen Goldwyn (May Zalrick/Harmony Station AI), Hywel Morgan (Regent Tharlar/Alex Filton), Lucy Briggs-Owen (Tina Andresson), Joanna Bacon (Lady Gurlen), George Layton (Louise Markell/Human Guard)
The Conquest of Far, by Nicholas Briggs
Earth Alliance, the future… Fleet commanders receive theirorders from the President of Earth. Operation Far is”go”. As soon as the planets are suitably aligned, the attack will go ahead.
The Doctor and Jo arrive on the planet Far. The Doctor wants to attend the grand opening of one of the human race’s greatest achievements. A huge Hyper Gateway built to make travel around Earth’s great empire more convenient, bringing relief to many starving outer colonies.
But they land in the wrong time period, long after the Gateway has been in service, of the Daleks have conquered Far! It’s the middle of a war and a deadly game is underway. When everyone has an agenda, betrayal can happen at any time, from any side. The endgame is approaching and maybe this time no one will survive.
Storm of the Horofax, by Andrew Smith
During a North Sea military exercise, the crew of the destroyer HMS Nemesis detect what they suspect is a submarine following them. But it’s actually a futuristic ship with an alien occupant, Arianda.
The Doctor and UNIT are called in, but things are already running out of control. The damaged craft is leaking particles and contaminating the Nemesis with time disruption.
But that’s not the biggest problem. For Arianda is being followed by the warships of the Horofax, who have picked precisely this moment to invade. Soon the destruction of humanity’s future will begin.
Written by: Nicholas Briggs, Andrew Smith
Directed by: Nicholas Briggs
- The Conquest of Far was the first story in the Third Doctor Adventures Volume 3.
- The Daleks attempt to question Jo by showing her images of other Doctors they have encountered, they are aware of multiple incarnations of the Doctor, but none of the Doctors they show to Jo are the
Third Doctor, which references how his only two encounters with The Daleks at this point in his current incarnation eitheroccurred in an erased alternate timeline (Day of the Daleks) or ended with the complete destruction of all daleks present (Planet of the Daleks)
- The Doctor and Jo have just left Spiridon. (Planet of the Daleks)
- Jo is aware of the Doctor’s ability to change his face (The Three Doctors), The Daleks have images of several different Doctors that they have made contact with, but Jo explicitly states that none of these Doctors are The Doctor she came to Far with.
- The Doctor and Jo have just left Spiridon. (Planet of the Daleks)
- Storm of the Horofax was the second story in the Third Doctor Adventures Volume 3.
- The Horofax’s method of converting other races into their own kind – taking the individuals back through time and influencing their history- is similar to the method used by the clock-faced people, save that the clock-faced people explicitly changed the history of their subjects where the Horofax just change the subjects’ perceptions of their history (Anachrophobia).
- Jo is partially immune to the memory loss caused by people being erased from history due to her own history as a time traveler (Flesh and Stone, Cold Blood)
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