The Grel Escape

The Grel Escape
The Grel Escape

Regular Cast

Lisa Bowerman (Bernice Summerfield),  Stephen Fewell (Jason Kane), Steven Wickham (Joseph the Porter), Julia Houghton (Sophia), Daniel Hogarth (The Grel), Dacey Warriner (Peter Summerfield)


Young children can be difficult. Tantrums, toy-throwing, not wanting to go to bed, whisking their mothers on dangerous journeys throughout all of time and space.

Jason wants Benny’s son Peter to have a normal childhood. Peter has other plans. And unfortunately, Peter also has Benny and Jason’s Time Rings. And knows how to use them. Even more unfortunately, the fact-obsessed, tentacle-faced Grel have built a time machine, and they’re after Peter.

So Benny finds herself on the run, landing in frightening festivals and deadly deserts, facing ridiculously inaccurate robot doubles and hideously accented tourists, in what can only be described as a sort of chase.

Written by: Jacqueline Rayner

Directed by: Gary Russell



  • The Grel Escape was the first audio story of the fifth season of the Big Finish Bernice Summerfield series.
  • Jason tries to get Peter to use his and Bernice’s time rings.
  • This story is a homage to The Chase, with several scenes mimicking the events of that story.
  • Like several Benny audio titles, this one is a pun. In this case, it’s an obvious play on The Great Escape, a film that was quite often traditional Christmas-time viewing in the United Kingdom.


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