The Dead Men Diaries

The Dead Men Diaries
The Dead Men Diaries

Who but Professor Bernice Summerfield, interstellar archaeologist, raconteur, boozer and wit, would get other people to write her auto albeit under threat of death from two bounty hunters sent by a publisher far too concerned about little things like deadlines?

These stories are an ideal introduction to the life of Bernice Summerfield: falling off cliffs, getting sacrificed to orange pygmies, saving the universe and trying to buy a new frock. Cliffhanging escapes! Adventure on distant planets! Scones for tea!


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  • The Dead Men Diaries was the title of Bernice Summerfield’s auto. It was written”under duress”, as her publisher had sent along two bounty hunters, Mr Plurk and Mr Scozz, to ensure that she finished by her deadline.
  • Instead of writing about her life, Benny searched the Galaxy Wide Web for accounts written by others, then gathered them into book form for her auto.

    Title Author
    A Question of Identity Caroline Symcox
    Steal from the World Kate Orman
    The Light that Never Dies Eddie Robson
    Heart of Glass Daniel O’Mahony
    The Monster and the Archaeologists Kathy Sullivan
    Step Back in Time Matt Jones
    Christmas Spirit Cavan Scott and Mark Wright
    The Door into Bedlam Dave Stone
    The Least Important Man Steven Moffat
    Digging up the Past Mark Michalowski
    The Dead Men Diaries Paul Cornell

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