The Day of the Comet

The Day of the Comet

The Day of the Comet

Regular Cast

Tom Baker (The Doctor), Louise Jameson (Leela), sophia Carr-Gomm (Corsha), Jon Culshaw (Sullerman/Massey), Janet Henfrey (Verkuvia), Joanna Hole (Tynax), David Seddon (Lendrik), Mandi Symonds (Vengis)


The TARDIS brings The Doctor and Leela to the ruins of a once-great city racked byearthquakes, where they find a giant rocket on the side of a mountain. The planet is due to be destroyed by a comet in a year’s time and this ship is the only way off world.

But is everything quite as it seems? At least one person in the city thinks the comet is going to come to obliterate the planet much sooner than people believe.

Which would be bad enough – if there wasn’t a far worse secret hidden behind the scenes…


This title is also available on CD as part of the Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 10.
The Doctor makes reference to The Daleks, the Zygons and the Krillitanes as races who might be interested in the genetic potential of the locals.

Or you can get both volumes of a series together in a pre-order bundle for £45 on CD or £40 on download.



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