The Authentic Experience
Nicola Bryant (Narrator)
Doctor Who: Short Trips Monthly is a series of new short stories read by an original cast member.
Release #37 is a Sixth Doctor and Peri story.
Tired of the old 9 to 5? The daily grind getting you down? Step this way to discover a universe of possibilities! If you’re fed up with looking at screens all day, we can offer the authentic experience: whether you want to be as rich as Croesus and swim in gold, or feel the dirt and sweat of honest toil we’re ready for your business. Forget the “Same Old”, embrace the “New Old”!
(Terms and conditions apply.)
Producer: Ian Atkins
Script Editor: Ian Atkins
Executive Producers: Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
Written by: Dan Starkey
Directed by: Lisa Bowerman
The Authentic Experience was the first story of the eighth season of Big Finish Productions’ Short Trips series.
This story was recorded on 26 February 2016 in the Moat Studios.
Peri reminisces about the Grand Central Station.