Tabetha Pond
Place of Origin:
Great Britain
Amy Pond
River Song
Anthony Williams
Augustus Pond
Rory Williams
Eleventh Doctor
The Big Bang
Main Actor:
Karen Westwood
Tabetha Pond was Augustus Pond’s wife and Amy Pond’s mother. She was also Rory Williams’ mother-in-law, and the maternal grandmother of River Song.
Tabetha met her husband at some point after 1984. (Nothing O’Clock) She lived in Scotland before moving to Leadworth in England and made Amelia like apples as a child by carving smiley faces on them. (The Eleventh Hour)
She and her husband Augustus were lost to the Time Field and erased from reality some time before Easter 1996. The then-seven-year-old Amy was raised by her Aunt Sharon. After reality was rebooted by the Eleventh Doctor’s use of the Pandorica and his exploding TARDIS, Tabetha and Augustus were restored to reality and attended Amy’s wedding to Rory on 26 June 2010. (The Big Bang)
Amy would later visit her and her father using a Time Harvester, spending the day with them. (Borrowed Time)