System Shock
“We’re dicing with death on the information superhighway to hell.”
A rebellion on another planet. A kidnapping in central London. The head of MI5 assassinated. A hostage siege suddenly and violently ended by the SAS. A computer CD slipped into the Fourth Doctor’s pocket by a dead man…
It’s 1998, and the global information superhighway is about to come on line. OffNet controls everything digital from cars to sliding doors, from interactive television to military command and control systems.
The Doctor and Sarah must join forces with an old friend in a race against time: to prevent the breakdown of technological society and foil an unconventional alien takeover bid.
- IF…
- 00 Begin Program
- 01 Meetings
- 02 Involvement
- 03 Search Patterns
- 04 Hubway
- 05 office Work
- 06 System Crashes
- 07 Schedules
- 08 Set-up
- 09 Breaking the Code
- 0A Take-over Bid
- 0B Snakes Alive
- 0C Negotiatedition
- 0D Bugs
- 0E On the Tiles
- 0F Plans
- 10 Intelligent Systems
- 11 Escape Sequences
- 12 Voractyll Unleashed
- 13 Shutdown
- 14 Executive Conclusion
- Else..

- After leaving both the TARDIS and UNIT , Harry was posted to Porton Down where he became involved in highly classified work.
(Mawdryn Undead/ Harry Sullivan’s War)
Brigadier Winifred Bambera is still in command of the British divison of UNIT in 1998. (Battlefield)
- Sarah has written articles for Metropolitan about “the dangers of meditation” (Planet of the Spiders) and “the sudden evacuation of London all those years ago”. (Invasion of the Dinosaurs)
Fourth Doctor’s CV states that he has obtained degrees from the Prydonian Academy (The Hand of Fear, The Deadly Assassin) and “Lister, 1888”. (The Moonbase)
- In her personal timeline, Sarah’s last meeting with Harry took place only a monthearlier. (The Android Invasion)
- The 1950s BBC science fiction television series Nightshade is mentioned. The Seventh Doctor and Ace would later meet its star Edmund Trevithick in Crook Marsham in December 1968. (Nightshade)
- In her personal timeline, Sarah’s last meeting with Harry took place only a monthearlier. (The Android Invasion)
coming soon