Susan Foreman’s TARDIS bedroom

During her travels in the TARDIS, Susan Foreman had a bedroom. According to one account, it was later inhabited by Vicki Pallister, (Scribbles in Chalk) Polly Wright, Victoria Waterfield, Sarah Jane Smith, Leela, Nyssa, (House) Tegan Jovanka, (Snakedance, Terminus) Peri Brown (House) and Sam Jones. (The Bodysnatchers)


For some of the time Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright were aboard the TARDIS, Susan slept in a communal room to appear more sociable. (The Rag & Bone Man’s Story, The Edge of Destruction)

By the time of her departure, Susan had Alydon’s coat the Daleks and a Blitzen fish (Quinnis) in her room. According to one account, Susan’s room remained untouched in the TARDIS holding ring after she left, soon joined by the rooms of other companions.

The Doctor brought her bedroom out of the holding ring as a Christmas gift for Susan. The Blitzen fish was brought back to life in the process, and wreaked havoc, destroying most of Susan’s old possessions. The Doctor later deleted the room so as to move on from the past. (Relative Dimensions)


According to another account, the room continued to be utilised. Vicki Pallister used it and after she left the First Doctor planned to give the room to his new companion, Katarina. (Scribbles in Chalk) Her untimely death soon after prevented this, however. (The Daleks’ Master Plan)

Polly Wright, Victoria Waterfield, Sarah Jane Smith and Leela later used the room during their travels. (House)

When Nyssa and Tegan Jovanka travelled concurrently in the TARDIS, they shared the same room. Among the features were a clothes hanger including Tegan’s attire from 1920s England and some laboratory equipment used by Nyssa. (Snakedance, Terminus)

On one occasion, Tegan slept in her bed and was influenced by the Mara which caused her to dream of it and a cave mouth on Deva Loka. The Fifth Doctor created a hypnosis machine to block out the influence and she woke up. (Snakedance)

On otheroccasion, due to the tampering of Vislor Turlough on the orders of the Black Guardian, the TARDIS began to break up and the outside universe began to merge with the interior. A door to the space station, Terminus opened up in the bedroom which destroyed Nyssa’s apparatus in the process. Nyssa boarded the station and when The Doctor, Tegan and Turlough attempted to follow the door began to close but The Doctor threw a chair in the gap to jam it. Over the course of the adventure, Nyssa decided to leave the TARDIS and help cure Lazar’s disease. (Terminus)

When Turlough saved Peri Brown from drowning he carried her into this room to recover. (Planet of Fire) She later adopted this as her own room and practised her farewell speech to the Sixth Doctor in it but he burst in and postponed the moment indefinitely. (House)

A long time later, Sam Jones lived in this room. Sam had her own en suite bathroom connected to her bedroom. (The Bodysnatchers)

All the bedrooms were deleted when House possessed the TARDIS. (The Doctor’s Wife)

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