

Regular Cast

Colin Baker (The Doctor), Lisa Greenwood (Flip Jackson), Miranda Raison (Mrs Constance Clarke), Scott Chambers (Andy Clover/Sergeant Webster), Pippa Nixon (Joanna Nash), Jo Woodcock (Susannah Nash), David Graham (Percy Till), Brian Protheroe (Captain Hardwick), Chris Dale (Soldiers/Static). Other parts played by members of the cast.


Deep in the heart of nowhere, near a place called Abbey Marston, there’s a caravan site. The perfect place to get away from it all. Close by, there’s a stone circle they used for human sacrifice in olden times. A little further afield, there’s an old RAF research station, where they did hush-hush things in the War.

There’s only one rule: the use of radios, cassette recorders and portable televisions is strictly forbidden.

People come here to get away from it all, you see. No-one wants to hear the noise. No-one wants to hear the voices in the static…

No-one wants to hear the ghosts.



“A brilliant addition to a superb run of 6th Doctor Stories, I don’t say this lightly but I think it’s better than Chimes of Midnight.”

“A strong contender forone of the best releases of this year” – Host Productions

“10/10 This story boasts all the fear factor that made ‘The Chimes of Midnight‘ a firm fan-favourite. It seems likely that ‘Static’ will gain the same renown, and deservedly so in this chilling production”

“Static is another stellar entry full of atmosphere, horror and great storytelling. We all love a good Christmas ghost story and that makes Static the perfect audio to end the yearon.” The Digital Fix

“Static is a chilly tale, unafraid to explore our reaction to death. It’s also much more than that – it’s a good story, well told, well acted and well produced. Long live the main range!” Starburst

5/5 ‘Static’ is a superb science fiction tale that exemplifies the best of the franchise and the genre, ending 2017 on a fantastic high for this robust TARDIS trio.

“When it comes to Big Finish, sometimes one can tell just from the opening strands of a story that…this one is going to be different. That something special is happening here. Static is one of those stories.” Massmovement


Static was the two hundred and thirty-third story in Big Finish’s monthly range.
The Doctor tells himself to “Never give up. Never give in.” (The Day of the Doctor)

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