Starlight Robbery

Starlight Robbery
Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor), Tracey Childs (Dr Elizabeth Klein), Jo Woodcock (Ziv), Christian Edwards (Will Arrowsmith), Dan Starkey, (Marshall Stenn/Major Vlaar/Sergeant Gredd/Asallis), Stuart Milligan (Garundel)
Sick of the same-old slaughter-appliances? In need of a killer new killing-machine? Then look no further than Garundel Galactic’s secret arms auction. Blasters, tanks, missiles and bombs – no bang too big or micro-laser too small. If you’ve got the credited, Garundel’s got the kill-sticks. (Cash buyers get preferential rates.)
In search of the key to a sinister alien technology, The Doctor, Klein and Will set their sights on an illicit intergalactic arms fair run by an old acquaintance – the slippery Urodelian crook, Garundel. But what are their chances of pulling off a particularly audacious heist from under the noses of Garundel and his alien clients, the ever-belligerent Sontarans…?
coming soon
- Starlight Robbery was the second story in the 2013 Seventh Doctor audio trilogy. It was the one hundred and seventy-sixth story in Big Finish’s monthly range.
- Will remarks how many species are humaniod in appearance or physiognomy and wonders if there might be a biological template.
- Bandrils were invited to attend Garundel’s auction.
- The Krellorans, led by Krakenmother Banarra, wiped out the Warlords of Zibratnik.
- Sontarans have meson rifles, which carry a heavy price on the black market.
- Gadalaxians have blue skin and antennae.
- Will and Klein, being from the 1990s, are unfamiliar with smart phones.
- Will makes a reference to the game Angry Birds, The Doctor thought he might like it.
- Will mentions Robin Hood.
