Pages | 142 |
ISBN | 0-426-20289-9 |
Publication Date | 18 June 1987 |
The TARDIS materialises on what, at first sight appears to be a dry and lifeless planet, serving only as a graveyard for spaceships.
Then the TARDIS crew discovers a magnificent museum housing relics from every cornerof the galaxy.
These have been assembled by the Moroks, a race of cruel conquerors who have invaded the planet Xeros and enslaved its inhabitants.
Upon further exploration the First Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Vicki seem to stumble upon the impossible. For suddenly facing them in an exhibit case they find-themselves.
- AD 0000
- Exploration
- Discovery
- Capture
- Rescue
- The Final Phase
- Much of Dako’s part, such as the first meeting with Tor and Sita and capturing
The Doctor is given to a new character, Bo. Dako is changed to the Xerons’ contact among the slave workers and doesn’t appear until he goes to find Barbara.
- Another new character, Gyar, accompanies the Xerons to the armoury and takes on Sita’s role of going with Vicki to find Barbara.
- The Morok commander is named as Ogrek and the Morok that Ian captures is named Pluton. Pluton saves Dako and Gyar’s lives by telling his superiors they are dead, in return, the Xerons spare him when they storm the headquarters and he accompanies them when they kill Lobos and Ogrek.
- Lobos is given a robot companion, Matt, who he destroys in a fit of rage.
- The Doctor’s explanation for why they jumped a time track is omitted, with him simply producing the component which caused it.
- Another new character, Gyar, accompanies the Xerons to the armoury and takes on Sita’s role of going with Vicki to find Barbara.