The Slitheen Excursion

The Slitheen Excursion
The Slitheen Excursion


1500BC – King Actaeus and his subjects live in mortal fear of the awesome gods who have come to visit their kingdom in ancient Greece. Except The Doctor, visiting with university student June, knows they’re not gods at all. They’re aliens. For the aliens, it’s the perfect holiday – they get to tour the sights of a primitive planet and even take part in local customs. Like gladiatorial games, or hunting down and killing humans who won’t be missed. With June’s enthusiastic help, The Doctor soon meets the travel agents behind this deadly package holiday company – his old enemies the Slitheen. But can he bring the Slitheen excursion to an end without endangering more lives? And how are events in ancient Greece linked to a modern-day alien plot to destroy what’s left of the Parthenon?


coming soon


  • The Slitheen Excursion was the twenty-sixth Tenth Doctor novel released.
  • The Aru are mentioned. This species is said to have several chins and mandibles.
  • The Doctor claims to be working for the Mutter’s Spiral Herald.
  • Mamps Slitheen identifies The Doctor as a time traveller when she smells the nymph glands from Gris on his suit.
  • The Slitheen family debuted in Aliens of London.
  • The events of both Aliens of London and Boom Town are mentioned.

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