Sarah Jane Adventures Story
The Sarah Jane Adventures is a British science fiction television programme, produced by BBC Cymru Wales for CBBC, created by Russell T Davies and starring Elisabeth Sladen. The programme is a spin- off of the long-running BBC science fiction programme Doctor Who and focuses on the adventures of Sarah Jane Smith, a middle-aged investigative journalist who, in her youth, had numerous adventures across time and space.
The series debuted on BBC One with a 60-minute special, entitled”Invasion of the Bane”, on 1 January 2007. A full series of ten 25-minute episodes followed, beginning on 24 September 2007
The first series consisted of five two-part stories, and a second series, comprising six two-part stories, began airing on 29 September 2008.
A third series, once again comprising six two-part stories to make a total of twelve episodes, with Russell T Davies serving as executive producer, aired from 15 October 2009 to 20 November 2009.
The fourth series was aired from 11 October 2010. An episode of another spin- off series, Sarah Jane’s Alien Files, was shown immediately after each of the first episodes of the stories.
Filming for three of six two-part serials planned for the fifth series was completed prior to Elisabeth Sladen’s death on 19 April 2011. Although some UK media, including the Sun, reported inearly May 2011 that production of the series was to continue, [8] the BBC has stated explicitly that no further episodes will be filmed.
The fifth series was broadcast starting 3 October 2011 on Mondays and Tuesdays. It finished just two weeks lateron 18 October 2011
The Sarah Jane Adventures was nominated for a British Academy Children’s Award in 2008 in the Drama category, and for a BAFTA Cymru in 2009 in the Children’s Drama category.
The programme won a Royal Television Society 2010 award for Best Children’s Drama