The Shadow Proclamation
Also Called:
Outer Space Police
Shadow Architect
Notable Members:
Albino servant
First Mentioned In:
First Seen In:
The Pictures of Emptiness
Silver Scream
The Great Rain Robbery
The Magician’s Apprentice
The Shadow Proclamation were, as the
The Shadow Proclamation was situated on three asteroids, linked together by bridges, from which they planned their moves. (The Stolen Earth)
The Shadow Proclamation had several conventions and treaties:
Convention15 dealt with the cessation of hostile actions in order to parley. (Rose, Peacemaker)
Article 29.8 banned the use and creation of Gelem warriors. (Ghosts of India)
Article 57 prohibited the destruction of a Level 5 planet if no law was broken. (The Eleventh Hour, Finders Keepers)
Clause 374 of the Shadow Proclamation stated that “theft of an artefact of great cultural value legitimises the use of lethal force to ensure the artefact’s recovery”. (The Colourof Darkness)
According to Shadow Proclamation, “Any legitimate trial form may be used in a Shadow Proclamation hearing”. When the requested form of trial was impossible, form reverted to Shadow Proclamation standard. A maximum of two legal requests were allowed. Examples included trial by a jury of peers being a legal standard of 298 member planets and 39761 affiliated worlds and innocent until proven guilty a legal standard of 87 member planets and 10242 affiliated worlds. (The Pictures of Emptiness)
It was illegal to seed a Level 5 planet. (Partners in Crime)
It was against Galactic Law to “reap” any part of an ecosystem on a Level 5 planet, even the clouds, and violators could be handed over to the Shadow Proclamation. (The Great Rain Robbery)
The Shadow Proclamation was known to employ the Judoon as their police force. (The Stolen Earth) Ogrons were used before the Judoon, but had to be replaced after their races’ dealings with the Daleks. (Fugitive)
The Shadow Proclamation used green interdimensional crystals, for both capture and transport. (Assimilation²)
When Bubastion was tricked into murdering an innocent man in ancient Egypt, he was sealed in the body of a cat for failing to protect humanity, as per the Shadow Proclamation. The
On discovering that aliens were at work in 1st century Pompeii, the
In the Victorian era, in London, Orestes Milton was executed by the Proclamation for war crimes, after being thwarted by the
In 1963, the Cybock Imperium raided the Shadow Proclamation vault-world of Janizzar, stealing the Time-Gun of Rassilon. (Gangland)
In 1984, the Shadow Proclamation approved the Kin’s right to own the Earth after they purchased every property on its surface. (Nothing O’Clock)
In 2000, after the Mondegreens were turned to stone by their own phonic blast, the
Rose Tyler made mention of Article 15 of the Shadow Proclamation while attempting to threaten the Sycorax Leader. (The Christmas Invasion)
According to the
The Tenth Doctor brought the Cran Movement, a race who had tried to steal
When Sarah Jane Smith was transported to the Krulius’ home planet, she left a signal behind her with the sonic lipstick. Mr Smith was able to contact the Shadow Proclamation with their co-ordinates, and a team of Judoon were dispatched to apprehend the Krulius (Monster Hunt)
In 2012, the
During a case of suicide moons, the Shadow Architect told a Judoon to inform the under-regiment in two sectors when Colony Sarff visited the Proclamation on orders from Davros, in their search for th e
Following an incident in which the
The Shadow Proclamation shut down the Rigel 77 prison centre with troops because of its violent nature. (The Undertaker’s Gift)
The Chugra were trapped in the time vortex for crimes against temporal physics. (Funny Phone Call!)
The Yeamorg Warriors were collected by the Shadow Proclamation for breach of Article 57. (Finders Keepers)