Place of Origin:
First Seen In:
Pyramids of Mars
The Curse of the Scarab
The First, The Sands of Time
Happy Deathday
The Age of Ice
The Pyramid of Sutekh
The Vaults of Osiris
To Sleep
Perchance to Scream
Old Girl
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The Osiran service robots, also known as servicers or servitors, were robots disguised as mummies. They were used by such Osirans as Sutekh and Horus.
After Marcus Scarman was killed by Sutekh in his tomb, Ibrahim Namin brought several Osiran service robots to an old priory in England in sarcophagi. The robots were confined to a locked wing of the house but had been active for some time. They killed Collins, the butler, when he entered the room. Namin activated the robots once more in order to search for and destroy Warlock and his rescuers, the Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith.
After Namin was killed by Sutekh’s puppet, the animated corpse of Scarman, the robots were used as workers and guards. They set up a force-field around the house and constructed an Osiran war missile to free Sutekh from his bonds. They were killed several people on the property, including a poacher named Ernie Clements who attempted to interfere.
Scarman took one of the service robots to the Pyramid of Mars on the mission to find and destroy the Eye of Horus. As part of one of the Pyramid’s tests, two of Horus’ Osiran service robots would appear when an intruder was trapped in a Tachotron Crucible: One robot would lie, while the other would tell the truth. Anotherone of Horus’ robots also guarded the chamber where the Eye of Horus was located, and fought with Scarman’s robot over the Eye. (Pyramids of Mars)
In 2010, UNIT Underbase contained an Osirian service robot salvaged from a past alien invasion of Earth. (The Age of Ice)
The Guardian of Truth and Guardian of Lies robots were encountered by Bernice Summerfield in a pyramid on Mars. The Guardian of Lies used the voice of Bernice’s dead husband Jason Kane when interacting with Bernice, as it said it would calm her down. (The Pyramid of Sutekh) Ace and Benny found one whilst looking for an Eye of Horus. (The Vaults of Osiris)
Osirian service robots were present on the Shining Horizon. (Old Girl)
The service robots were powered by a cytronic particle accelerator in the shape of a pyramid that was located on the back. They took voice commands from whoever they were programmed to obey. A special ring was used to activate them or countermand theirorders. They were also extremely strong, able to manhandle humans with ease, and could easily strangle someone. (Pyramids of Mars)
In 2007, when Sarah Jane argued with Rose Tyler about the monsters they had encountered, Sarah Jane mentioned “mummies” as one of the many she had encountered. (School Reunion)
When the Skith Leader scanned the Tenth Doctor’s mind, a service robot was among the alien creatures shown to him. (The First)
According to The Brilliant Book 2011, a book that contains non-narrative based information, Winston Churchill encountered the Third Doctor at Omdurman in the Sudan on 3 September 1898, whilst The Doctor was battling what appeared to be an Osiran service robot.