Series 5 DVD Set

Series 5 DVD Set


Number of Discs: 6
DVD Number: BBCDVD3285
Certification: PG
Duration: 594 minutes


A completely fresh look: bigger, better, more dramatic and shot in HD.

Matt Smith is the new Doctor, mercurial & energetic. Karen Gillan is Amy Pond The Doctor’s new smart & sassy assistant.

Written by BAFTA winner Steven Moffat – writerof landmark episodes including The Empty Child, Blink and Silence in the Library.

Doctor Who Series 5 DVD Set Episodes Comprise:

1. The Eleventh Hour
2. The Beast Below
3. Victory of the Daleks
4. The Time of Angels
5. Flesh and Stone
6. The Vampires of Venice
7. Amy’s Choice
8. The Hungry Earth
9. Cold Blood
10. Vincent and the Doctor
11. The Lodger
12. The Pandorica Opens
13. The Big Bang

Special Features

  • ‘Meanwhile in the TARDIS’– additional scenes, written by Steven Moffat and featuring Matt Smith & Karen Gillan, telling the story of what happens between episodes. Why was Amy floating in Space above Starship UK, and what happened after ‘that’ kiss between The Doctor and Amy? –
  • Exclusive to DVD. Monster Files – The Monster Files will get under the skin and inside the minds of the latest Doctor’s most challenging opponents. With previously unseen footage and exclusive comments from cast and crew, the Monster Files take fans old and new even further behind enemy lines.
  • In vision commentaries
  • Out-takes
  • Video diary
  • Confidential cut downs
  • BBC trails & promos to new series 5

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