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Sites worth a special mention because of their amazing/unusual content or presentation
Doctor Who Locations Guide, (Chuck Foster)
Doctor Who Props, (Jamie Smyth)
Dr Who Figures, (Sebastien Hamilton)
Guide to Planets, (J. H. Smith)
Howe’s Trancendental Toybox, (Arnold T. Blumberg)
http://www.badwolf.org.uk, (BBC)
KittensDirect Doctor Who Colourisations, (Michael Blumenthal)
Project Dalek, (John Darley)
Restoration Team Website, (Steve Roberts)
Saturday Teatime Guild, (Gabriel Chase)
Sci-Fi Science, (Steve & Rachel Preston)
The Doctor, The Doctor, and that Other Guy, (William B. Swift)
The Doctor: Appendix to the Un official Handbook of the Marvel Universe
Universal Databank (The), (Jean-Marc L officier)
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