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Sites advertising up-and-coming fan conventions, and other gatherings
Chicago TARDIS, (Jennifer Kelley)
Collectormania, (Showmasters)
Cult TV Festival, (Alex J Geairns)
Doctor Who Events, (Paul Taylor)
Doctor Who Unleashed, (Time and Relative Ltd)
Doctor Who Up-Close Exhibitions, (Experience)
Dominitemporal Services Ltd [Panopticon]
Dr Who & Star Wars UK Signing Event 2005, (Jason Smith)
Gallifrey One, (Shaun Lyon)
Regenerations, (Cary Woodward)
Sci-Fi Sea Cruise (The), (Dan Harris)
Science Fiction Conventions Northwest
The Oncoming Storm
TimeGate, atlanta, (Alan Siler)
united Fan Con, (Alan L. Ravitch)
Visions [The Un official Web Site], (John Golkosky)
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