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Doctor Who Clubs and Societies
Brisbane Doctor Who Fan Club, (Jules)
Chronicles of Who, (Wil Roysdon)
Doctor Who and Company: The Role-Playing Game
Doctor Who Appreciation Society (The)
Doctor Who Club of Australia (The), (Dwayne Bunney)
Doctor Who Club of Victoria (The), (Shane Mengaziol)
Doctor Who Information Network (Canada), (Stephen Christian)
Doctor Who New York, (John Roulston-Bates)
Doctor Who Philadelphia, (David Crawford)
Doctor Who Yahoo Autograph Group
Dutch Time Travellers Association, (Frans van Lottum)
Edinburgh Who, (Martin Rogerson)
Eye Spiders of Pergross (The), (Andrew Kearley)
Glasgow Who, (Alan McWhan)
Guardians of Gallifrey (The), (Arthur Dykeman)
Intergalactic House of Daleks (IHOD), (James Mahaffey)
Knights of the White Guardian (The), (Rob Claffie)
Merseyside Local Group, (Lee Davies)
Milwaukee Time Lords (The)
Mind Robbers, Gloucestershire, (Francis Moloney)
New Zealand Doctor Who Fan Club, (Alden Bates)
Northern Virginia Doctor Who Viewing Society (The), (Jeffrey Jacobs)
Not Just Dr Who, (Dwas Leeds Group)
Paul McGann Estrogen Brigade (PMEB) (The), (S. Linz-Gould)
Plymouth Who, (Mike Brumpton)
Prydonians of Prynceton (The), (Tom Beck)
Rocky Mountain Doctor Who Viewing Society
South Australian Doctor Who Fan Club Inc (The)
Space City Timelords, Houston
St Louis Celestial Intervention Agency (The)
tardis builders guild, (R Bradley)
TARDIS Social, (Adam Woods)
The Atlanta Gallifreyans, (Alan Siler)
The Ohio Type 40, (John Takacs)
The St Louis Celestial Intervention Agency
The Temporal Renovators, (Chuck Foster)
The U.S. Branch of U.N.I.T, (Paul Aldred)
The Whoovers, Derby & District Doctor Who Group, (Steve Hatcher (co-ordinator) Robbie Langton (webmaster))
Time Lord Academy, (Joe Conlan)
Time Meddlers of Los Angeles, (Shaun Lyon)
Timeless (South Wales), (Tim Farr)
Universal Network of Iowan Timelords, (UNIT)
Unwilling Warriors (The)
Whoosier Network Online, (Mark ‘De Boss’ Dooley)
WhoSim Universe [Roleplay community], (Jen Kokoski)
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