Torchwood: Sargasso

Torchwood: Sargasso
Kai Owen (Rhys Williams), Chloe Ewart (Captain Anika Banaczik), Sydney Feder (Kaitlin Russell), Robert Jezek (Yonich), Wilf Scolding (Sailor). Other parts played by the cast.
Torchwood vs Monsters!
The seas of planet Earth are choked by plastic. Plastic that no-one has a use for and no-one can get rid of.
Rhys Williams finds himself stranded on a container ship in a sea of debris. People on board are dying. Because, luckily, someone’s found a solution to Earth’s polluted waters. The Nestene Consciousness can never have too much plastic.
Torchwood contains adult material and may not be suitable for younger listeners
Written by: Christopher Cooper
Directed by: Scott Handcock
In the next four stories of the Torchwood monthly adventures, the Torchwood team will be facing off against some of the most popular Doctor Who foes!
The Torchwood monthly range is returning for another season. Starting in March 2019, there will be releases all the way to February 2020! And for the first fouroutings, the Torchwood team will need all the help they can get…
When the monthly range recommences in March, the first four adventures find the Torchwood team against monsters and villains from Doctor Who.
In March’s release, Gwen Cooper played by Eve Myles, becomes a victim in Night of the Fendahl by Tim Foley.
April sees Captain Jack Harkness, played by John Barrowman, meeting Jo Jones, played by Katy Manning in a trip back to Llanfairfach, Wales, in The Green Life, by David Llewellyn. This adventure also co-stars Stewart Bevan from the original Third Doctor story, The Green Death.
May’s release, Sync, by Lisa McMullin sees the return of Suzie Costello played by Indira Varma, and she’ll be tied at the hip to former mayor of Cardiff and secret Slitheen Margaret Blaine, played by Annette Badland.
And in June, Sargasso by Christopher Cooper sees Rhys Williams played by Kai Owen facing off against the scourge of society, plastic waste in the ocean, but this plastic is alive… the Nestene Consciousness makes a return!
Producer James Goss lets us know what else we can expect from the world of Torchwood in 2019:”Jack and Ianto discover domestic bliss, we’ve Gwen Cooper as you’ve never seen her before, Dr Owen Harper’s in prison and there’s something nasty out at sea. We’ll meet the person who joined Torchwood at the same time as Tosh, Jack Harkness goes down a mine with a national treasure, and there’s a town where you have to drink or die. Plus, which Torchwood character is a massive fan of opera?”
We can’t wait to find out!
You can pre-order these new Torchwood releases individually, or save money with a Torchwood bundle. A six-release bundle is £50 on CD or £45 on download, or you can save even more money by ordering all twelve Torchwood releases together at £90 on CD or £84 on download. And if you pre-order a bundle now, you’ll gain access to an exclusive pre-order extract from Night of the Fendahl.
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