The Reign of Terror DVD
Number of Discs: 2
DVD Number: BBCDVD3528
Certification: PG
Duration: 148 minutes
The TARDIS lands in a forest clearing. The travellers think it’s England 1963 but they are in fact 20 kiliometres from Paris during Robespierre’s Reign of Terror. A farmhouse is sacked by government troops, The Doctor is concussed and left for dead, the others are dragged to prison. The Doctor mascarades as a citizen, while Ian gets involved in the counter-revolutionary plot of English master spy James Stirling.
- Four remaining episodes with two animated episodes.
- Audio Commentary by Carole Ann Ford, Ronald Pickup, Patrick Marley, Neville Smith, Geoffrey Wickham, Caroline Hunt, Timothy Combe, Paul Vanezis, Philip Morris and moderated by Toby Hadoke.
‘Don’t Lose Your Head‘ – The making of the Reign of Terror featuring Carole Ann Ford, William Russell and Tim Combe.
Robespierre’s Domain Set Tour
- A tourof the animated backgrounds.
- Photo Gallery
- Animation Gallery
- PDF materials: Radio Times Listings
- Production Notes Subtitles

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