
Colin Baker (The Doctor), Maggie Stables (Evelyn), Christopher Scott (Administrator Isherwood), Yee Jee Tso (Doctor Goddard), Jane Goddard (Doctor Savage), Richard Herring (Renchard), Stewart Lee (Carey), Nicholas Briggs (Cyber Controller)
On a planet known only as Chronos, two scientific survey teams have vanished. Inexplicably. Without warning. But with just one clue supplied – a single screamed word:”Cybermen!”
The Univeristy they worked for has called in the Earth security forces who despatch a third team, a mix of military and scietific might, under the auspicies of a University Administrator. If that kind of volatile grouping isn’t bad enough, three strangers have been added to the mix – a young hum expert in Cybermen and a mysterious traveller in space and time, The Doctor, along with his companion, Dr Evelyn Smythe.
But can they solve the riddle of the vanished survey teams before the Cybermen harness Chronos’ unique temporal gifts and rewrite the history of the galaxy?
coming soon
- Real Time was a six-episode webcast animated adventure featuring the Sixth Doctor
- Due to technical changes BEHIND THE SCENESof the BBC website, the Realmedia audio and video streams which made up the webcast stopped working. The BBC acknowledged the error in a FAQ on The Doctor Who website during Series 4, stating they were aware of the error and were working to restore the webcast to functionality in another format “as soon as possible, “[3] but no further announcements have been made. The relevant FAQ has since gone offline.
- Though the webpages and links for the webcast still remain online as part of the archived”classic” Doctor Who website, the Real Time webcast itself remains inaccessible.
- In closeup shots of the Doctor’s changing cat brooch, it is obvious that the brooch is a rectangular image superimposed onto the image of the Doctor’s lapel, as the background of the cat is a shade of blue slightly different to the lapel.
- Due to the limited animation style of the broadcast, the character drawings are often mirrored. This results in non-symmetric visual details like clothing and hairstyles constantly switching back and forth from one side to the other.
- This story featured the debut of the blue version of the
Sixth Doctor’s outfit. Multiple reasons were given for this, Colin Baker not having been fond of the original version and the blue suit being more suited to the evolved version of the character. The main reason, though, was technical simplicity, the original version of the costume would have been too complex to portray in this webcast’s illustrations of limited detail
